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Despite being a 2020 title, WaterMelon released its beat ’em up game Paprium on the SEGA Genesis. It was similar to Pier Solar and the Great Architects, which started out on the classic console, but later ended up on Wii U.

As for Paprium, the title is now making the jump to new consoles, including Switch. The team had been looking to raise $299,999, but has already demolished that goal with the campaign generating about $450,000 with a month and a half to go.

With Pier Solar HD missing its April release window, you may have been wondering about what happened to the game. Watermelon provided an update today and confirmed that the new launch is targeted for June.

As for why Pier Solar HD is experiencing a delay, the studio explained:

– Beta test is still going on: the game is super stable but some bugs are still being found. We can’t, in our right mind, ignore those and go for release and rely on patches from day one. As long as there’s a bug, there will be a fix until the game is as smooth as the original.

– Never-ending perfectionism: During the development not only did we program some enhancements to the game such as the Director’s Cut, but also some other improvements are being made to make Pier Solar better in usability and gameplay. Some of these improvements came a bit late in the project but we considered them essential for this release. Don’t worry. We’re not adding new things every day, our scope is 100% closed by now, but some extra dev time was added due to those new features.

– There’s bureaucracy involved: Only after the game passes WM’s internal QA can we consider it Gold Master, and send to our distribution channels (Aka: Steam, PSN, XBLA, e-Shop…) and this process not only takes a bit of time but it also makes sure that our game is compliant with their standards. Only after we’re certified, we’ll be able to get a final release date.

Source, Via

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