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Taito Milestones gets a debut gameplay trailer

Posted on December 17, 2021 by (@brodee922) in Switch, Videos

The upcoming classic collection of games from publisher Taito called Taito Milestones has received a gameplay trailer. This minute and a half trailer shows a glimpse of gameplay from each of the 10 games in the collection, and even displays the box art of the physical version in Japan. 

Taito Milestones will be coming to the Switch on February 24, 2022 in Japan and will be getting a Western release at a later date. As mentioned, there will be 10 different classic games in this collection and they are the following (game descriptions courtesy of Gematsu):

  • Qix (1981) – Draw lines as the “Marker” and capture areas by encircling them. Watch out for enemies while moving around!
  • Space Seeker – A hybrid of strategy and shooting, 1981’s Space Seeker has you battling for victory against ever-approaching waves of enemy air forces in 3D, and mobile fortresses in 2D. Use the map to track your foes, but stay in one place too long and your bases will be overrun, losing you a life!
  • Alpine Ski (1982) – Enter the stage of the world of snow and take part in three competitions: Downhill ski, slalom and ski jump!
  • Front Line (1982) – Push forward to the enemy camp as a foot soldier! Drive tanks and armored vehicles!
  • Wild Western (1982) – Defeat the gangs attacking from all directions with your trusty rifle! You are the law!
  • Chack’n Pop (1983) – Hang in there, Chack’n! Get back the hearts from the thieving Monsta.
  • Elevator Source

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