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Team Ninja believes 3DS battery life is fair, advantages over Street Fighter

Posted on January 25, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News

This information comes from Head of Team Ninja Yosuke Hayashi…

“For the battery stuff, basically, 3D viewing for a long time would be kind of tiring for your eyes, that’s why for the hardcore gamer we can switch the 3D depth slider to off. Without 3D viewing we can run the game (Dead or Alive: Dimensions) at 60fps, which the hardcore gamer can enjoy. People can choose [3D or no 3D] – that’s why we’re providing the option. People can play either way. 3D viewing is very interesting and more appealing.

“[Street Fighter is] originally and now a 2D fighting game. But, for us, Dead or Alive is a 3D fighting game – so [Capcom has] a limitation with Street Fighter. As a 3D fighting game we have a lot of possibility, and it is natural to convey it to 3DS. [Super Street Fighter IV 3D Edition] has a figurine battle. We are in the fighting game genre, and they’re not fighting! [The game] remembers the habit and customs of the person playing – we’re going to fight with avatars which remember the action habit of the players.”

I think it’s understandable that people are upset with the 3DS’ battery life. 3-5 hours is a rather big step back from previous Nintendo handhelds. It might help if we were to receive a breakdown of the battery life with the different backlight settings, Wi-Fi/3D on/off, and other features in use/not in use.


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