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The Last Story details

Posted on December 23, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

– 30 hours play time first time through the game
– Amount will vary if players redo quests/revisit dungeons
– Sakaguchi had hoped to make a game with a good tempo and a feeling of “denseness” about the story
– 12,000 lines of in-game voiced dialogue
– That number was more than Sakaguchi expected
– Can go online after arriving at the first save point
– Character’s level and how much you’ve strengthened your weapons are reflected during the online group boss battle, so you may want to do a bit of single-player first
– Battle royal mode only carries your physical appearance, not level and weapon strength
– Team battle royal mode online
– Online: random matches, play against someone you don’t know, play with friends, play with those with whom you’ve exchanged friend codes
– Replay single-player will all items in tact
– Team is balancing the game for second play throughs, will have specific drop items
– Many details at the game’s conference on the 27th

Thanks to Thomas N for the tip!


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