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The Wonderful 101 screenshots, art, details, Kamiya blog post

Posted on July 25, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

The official Japanese website for The Wonderful 101 is up and running – you can find it here. It already has several screenshots, art, and a few new details:


– Earth was attack by aliens (the ‘Geathjerks’) 40 years prior to the game’s opening
– The Centinel Program was set up by the UN to fight the Geathjerks
– Our heroes belong to that program
– One Hero is located in each of the 100 field branches of the Centinel program around the world
– Use the sword morph to open locks
– Hand morph opens doors
– Bridge morph lets you cross gaps
– 5 player multiplayer
– No online multiplayer

NeoGAF’s “StreetsAhead” has also gone to the trouble of translating a brand new blog post from director Hideki Kamiya. That’s posted after the break.

Welcome Message

Long time no see, everyone. I am the director of ‘The Wonderful 101’, Mr. Hideki Kamiya.
It has been a long time now since I directed Bayonetta, and in the interim, I aimed to be called the ‘Twitter Master’, but the time has come at last to send out my new game to the world, and it seems I will be able to return to my true work as a ‘Game Designer’.

I think that most people do not understand what type of game this is, even though the release of the all new game ‘The Wonderful 101’ has come very close. At this point I believe that either, people know it’s a game where you walk around as many different characters at once, believe it is a game where a dog is the main character*, or have not heard of the title at all.

And that’s ok!

Why don’t you learn about the game with me, via this blog, as I provide you with information on ‘The Wonderful 101’?

To put it simply, this game isone where you become a hero and defeat bad guys: a simple and pure battle/action game. You do not need to think about it too hard. However, there’s a few…a lot more protagonists in this game than a usual one, is all.
The title, ‘The Wonderful 101’, shows the number of heroes in the game. The extra ‘1’ on the ‘100’ is born from a desire for you all at home, outside the TV, to become heroes too. ‘Moving about with all this heroes – what sort of game is this?’ you might be wondering. I would like to introduce a little bit for you in the coming weeks.

…On that note, I shall end my welcome message here. From the next blog post, I will mix in videos as I introduce various aspects of the game. Not just the action, but also lots of information on the characters and the story, so please look forward to it.

Finally, in preparation for the next post, everyone, Unite Up!


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