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There could be more Ni no Kuni in the future

Posted on December 10, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in DS, General Nintendo, News

Ni no Kuni hasn’t been Level-5’s most successful IP, but the studio has tentative plans to build it into a series. CEO Akihiro Hino said that they would consider including additional package game releases and will expand the current world rather than taking the IP in a completely different direction.

It could be awhile before we see anything new, however. Hino stated that there are many things that Level-5 must finalize before progress can be made.

Finally, Hino discussed why there were two different versions of Ni no Kuni. The “first” title, made for DS, was created so  as many people as possible could experience the Ni no Kuni universe. For the PlayStation 3 version, Level-5 hoped to bring movie-like quality to the game in terms of the animation and soundtrack.


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