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These Wii U rumors can’t be true

Posted on August 2, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Rumors, Wii U

There are some odd Wii U rumors floating around today, but what’s even stranger is that some of the speculation is receiving a lot of attention. I thought it’d be best to clear up some of the confusion.

The first rumor, coming from Click, claims that BioShock Infinite will be released for Wii U. Click cited Take-Two’s earnings call as the source. The problem is, no one mentioned a Wii U version during the call (read the transcript in full here). Don’t forget that there were lots of people listening, yet no one managed to report on the announcement until today? Pretty fishy. There’s other evidence indicating that this rumor is silly, but I think you get the point.

Next comes conjecture that Medal of Honor: Warfighter is in development for Wii U. Examiner lists the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, and Vita as the game’s other platforms. However, EA recently denied rumors that Warfighter is coming to Vita. My guess is that the author simply used Wikipedia (which currently contains inaccurate information) in creating his article. While it’s still possible that Warfighter could make its way to Wii U (and maybe EA will make an announcement during its Summer Showcase today… or not), this Examiner article isn’t a confirmation in the slightest.

Finally, you may have see a Wii U “launch list” being circulated from GameStop. This appears to be nothing more than a pamphlet that the retailer is handing out to consumers. It doesn’t really confirm anything at all… it’s just a list reproduced from the official lineup Nintendo shared months ago. We still don’t know the final list of launch games, nor do we know when any of them will be available.

That’s all for today. Remember, never trust anything you read unless it’s made officially official (yes that’s redundant!).

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