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Trials Rising early Switch technical analysis

Posted on February 25, 2019 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Trials Rising

Digital Foundry has taken a new look at Trials Rising from a technical perspective on Switch. This is based on the open beta that was just held on the console a few days ago.

Right off the bat, Trials Rising makes some concessions to image quality compared to other platforms. That means a lower resolution and frame rate, along with reduced/changed detail inside the actual levels.

Trials Rising targets a 720p resolution when docked. In portable mode, there’s a dynamic resolution that can reach 720p but also as low as 480p. As a worst case scenario with all possible riders on screen, Digital Foundry noticed a portable resolution of 432p.

In both docked and portable modes, Trials Rising runs at 30 frames per second in comparison to 60 FPS on other systems. Frame pacing is an issue, but only when docked.

Here’s the full analysis from Digital Foundry:

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