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TT Fusion discusses Nintendo relationship for LEGO City: Undercover

Posted on February 26, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Podcast Stories, Wii U

Nintendo is publishing LEGO City: Undercover even though it isn’t being made internally. But while the Big N is tied to the game, the company mainly allowed developer TT Fusion to do its own thing without interfering.

Know that Nintendo wasn’t out of the picture completely. TT Fusion shared Undercover’s script and other elements, and Nintendo actually suggested that the team include references and cameos.

According to executive proudcer Loz Doyle:

“We were sharing information with them, the script and everything went to them to look at, and they were always keen to have a look at the game and let us know what they thought. They pretty much left us to it to develop the game, and only flagged things up if they thought there was a major problem, but on the whole they acknowledged the fact that we know how to make a LEGO game better than they do. So they were quite happy for us to make it. Nintendo cameo ideas came from them, as they suggested getting some of those references in there; which we obviously lapped up. Overall they were not that intrusive, but hands on in terms of getting the game to its finished state.”


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