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Valkyria Chronicles 4: new info on characters, advanced classes, Potentials, Orders, more

Posted on December 25, 2017 by (@OnePunchMaz) in News, Switch

The official Japanese Valkyria Chronicles 4 website has been updated with some new info on the game’s characters as well as some gameplay systems such as Orders, the various classes, Potentials and more. The folks at Gematsu have kindly translated all this new info.


Angelica Farnaby

An energetic civilian girl suffering from memory loss. The army’s physician took her in and offered her protection, but she proposed to earn her keep by helping with daily chores such as cooking and cleaning. Her cheerful and kind personality has made her very popular with the soldiers.

Minerva Victor

First lieutenant of Squad F. She was in the same class as Claude at Edinburgh Military Academy. She studied hard to surpass him but was unable to do so as she graduated second in their class while Claude graduated first. Since then, she sees him as her rival and is not exactly kind to him –  a fact she relishes after she got promoted first, making her Claude’s superior officer. In contrast to her attitude towards Claude, she’s generally a kind and sociable person. However, she can be stubborn and persistent about trivial matters. Nonetheless, her skill as a military officer cannot be denied and she values chivalry and honor in battle above all else.

Karen Stewart

A medic and corporal of Squad E. Quiet and kind, her soothing smile makes her popular with her patients. Since she grew up in an all-male household, she’s skilled at dealing with men. She wants to go to medical school, but volunteered to serve in the military in order to help her family.


Squad E’s medical dog and mascot. Originally a stray dog, he was picked up by Claude, who he became attached to, and joined the military. He will fearlessly rush through gunfire in order to help the injured and weak, even if this puts himself in danger. He is prideful and doesn’t like being patted, but behaves courteously towards soldiers (especially female ones) who give him food. He feels obligated to look after Claude and his squad, who he sees as rookies. The other soldiers have no idea that he has such a complex personality though – they simply see him as a friendly and brave, if foolish, dog.

Training Grounds

As the name implies, this is where you can train and develop your squad. Leveling up your classes here will strengthen their stats and unlock new Orders and Potentials. First lieutenant Minerva will offer you some advice here.

Advanced classes – Jaeger

After a class reaches level 11, it will be known as a “Jaeger” class, an improved version of that class with access to new weapons and improved abilities.

Scout Jaeger: Access to the Grenade Rifle, which has a dramatically improved range compared to throwing grenades.

Assault Jaeger: Access to the Flamethrower, a weapon with a short range but devastating attack power that can hit through cover.

Sniper Jaeger: Gains the ability to counterattack the enemy. Also gains access to the Auto Sniper Rifle, which has a rapid-fire three-shot burst, and the Lancer Sniper Rifle which has increased attack power versus vehicles.

Lancer Jaeger: Access to the Mortar Lance, which fires shots in an arc that explode upon impact and deal high damage to infantry.

Engineer Jaeger: Enhanced vehicle repair capabilities.

Grenadier Jaeger: Improved abilities all around.

Operation Room

This is where you can organize your squad and select which team members you will take into battle.


Orders are special abilities that the commanding officer of a squad can use to turn the tide in battle. They have powerful effects such as temporarily increasing the stats of units or calling in reinforcements. Orders require CP to use, a limited resource. New orders can be learned by talking to your comrades at the base.


Potentials are the unique characteristics of each unit. They can have both positive and negative effects. There are two types of potentials: “Personal Potentials” that come from each soldier’s personality, and “Battle Potentials”, which are tied to the character’s class. Characters can learn additional Potentials over time, and sometimes their Personal Potentials will change due to certain events in the story.


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