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WayForward looking to submit Shantae: Half-Genie Hero in July

Posted on April 8, 2016 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

It’s been a long wait for Shantae: Half-Genie Hero, but the game should be wrapping up over the next few months. WayForward provided a Kickstarter update today, and noted that the goal is to submit it to Nintendo during the summer.

Shantae: Half-Genie Hero should be finished with development in roughly two months. After that, a month of testing will be needed, followed by three weeks for translations and ratings. If all goes well, Half-Genie Hero will be submitted in July, and should be releasing soon after.

WayForward’s full progress update reads:

Good day loyal backers! It’s been a while since our last update. The reason is WORK! It’s been a madhouse over here as we move ahead at a feverish pace towards our Pre-Alpha goal. We’ve enlisted help from several of our go-to partners from all over the globe to help get the job done. Half-Genie Hero is in production 24 hours a day – literally ‘round the clock! It’s awesome and exhausting at the same time.

You might be asking, “is this normal?” Yes! This is often what the end of a major development effort looks like, and we’re no strangers to it. The major risks have been conquered, the fun is firmly in place, and all that remains is to bring each piece of the game to its final version, which takes nothing less than a TON of muscle.

Where that puts us today: We should be content complete in about 2 months, with another month of testing after that. Also expect 3 weeks in there for translations and ratings too, which can only happen once we’re done making content. These things can overlap, but it doesn’t always work out that way which is why we can’t give a firm release date (yet). Our best guess is that we’ll be submitting to 1st parties (Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, and Valve) in July. We know that it’s been difficult to wait for so long, but ask that you endure with us to the end!


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