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WayForward on future Wii U and Miiverse support… past e-Reader interest

Posted on December 21, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in GBA, News, Wii U

Mighty Switch Force! Hyper Drive Edition likely won’t be WayForward’s last Wii U game.

WayForward creative director Matt Bozon explained how the studio could approach the console going forward:

“If it’s anything like DSiWare, we’ll test the waters a bit and then try to roll out something a bit heftier. That’s a prediction, not a reveal of some secret project. I just see a lot of patterns in the way we work. Multiple Wii U retail titles for sure, and Wii U eShop exclusives are very likely too. From my own experience, the system is a game changer.”

Hyper Drive Edition director Austin Ivansmith also showed great interest in support Miiverse going forward:

“We’re definitely supporting it. We’d also like to try some innovative ideas with Miiverse, since there could be options for sharing data of some sort.”

One final, random tidbit from Bozon. He revealed that WayForward had hoped to get involved with GBA’s e-Reader, but “that’s the one that got away.”

“Heck, we even tried to get on the card e-Reader back in 2002 and got – as far as I know – the only external US dev kit. But alas, that’s the one that got away.”


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