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Where to find the Rock Onion in Pikmin 4

Posted on August 1, 2023 by in Guides, Switch

pikmin 4 ice onion location

In this Pikmin 4 guide, we’ll show you where to find the Rock Onion, so that you can make Rock Pikmin at your ship, adding another type of Pikmin you can use as you venture out into each area to find treasures and castaways.

What are Rock Pikmin?

Rock Pikmin first debuted in the previous game in the series, Pikmin 3. They are immune to be crushed by enemies or hazards, and can shatter white rock walls that you will occasionally encounter in caves and postgame areas. They are slightly stronger than normal Pikmin, but the downside to this is that they cannot latch onto enemies, and will instead bounce off them when thrown and will attack from the ground, making them more vulnerable to counterattacks.

Pikmin 4 Rock Onion location, where to find

Where to find the Rock Onion in Pikmin 4

You will have encountered Rock Pikmin in some caves during the story, but the only way to encounter them outside of this is to find the Rock Onion so you can make them yourself. There is only one Rock Onion in the game, and unfortunately you will have to wait until you have unlocked the first postgame area, Giant’s Hearth, before you can retrieve it.

Once you have made it to Giant’s Hearth, make your way to the southernmost part of the area, where you will find a rock wall that you will need to destroy with three Bomb Rocks, which can be purchased at the lab if you don’t have some already. This will allow you access to a small enclosed area, with the Rock Onion sitting buried at the end of it.

pikmin 4 ice onion location

Unfortunately, it is guarded by a Bulblax. You can try to distract it whilst you have your Pikmin or Oatchi retrieve the Onion, or you can defeat it first and retrieve the Onion afterwards without having to worry about it attacking you as you escape. You will need 30 Pikmin or the equivalent strength for Oatchi in order to retrieve the Rock Onion and carry it back to your ship. Once you have it, you can create as many Rock Pikmin as you like at any time!

Where to find the Rock Onion in Pikmin 4

Pikmin 4 is out now on Switch. Visit the official website here for more details about the game.

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