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XSEED came close to passing on The Last Story

Posted on December 28, 2012 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Podcast Stories, Wii

It took quite awhile for a publisher to announce The Last Story for localization in North America. The game originally hit Japan in January 2011, but it wasn’t until February of this year that XSEED confirmed it would be bringing the game over.

Interestingly, The Last Story may not have made it to the states if not for the efforts from XSEED’s Ken Berry. It was Berry who led the charge in convincing the company’s marketing team that selling a full-priced Wii game in 2012 would bring about good results.

“It was a constant fight even within our own organization. To our external sales reps, we’d be saying, ‘No, like you guys don’t understand. There’s tons of fans out there that are asking for this. There’s a huge fan movement.’ I mean, so yeah. In the end, I think we were right.”

We now know that The Last Story is XSEED’s best-performing title ever. Berry, though, always expected it to be a hit.

Berry is appreciative of the community and fans who “really stepped up their game and put their actions and their wallets where their mouths were earlier.”

“We’re eternally grateful to the fan community out there. They really stepped up their game and put their actions and their wallets where their mouths were earlier. They backed up their talk.”


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