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XSEED “definitely interested in pursuing” Earth Seeker and Rodea: The Sky Soldier

Posted on July 8, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii

Promising images from Rodea: The Sky Soldier

Okay, this is incredibly odd. About a week ago, someone from XSEED Games said that the company is “not actively looking into Earth Seeker at the moment.” I don’t know if that person was misinformed, but now Ken Berry, Director of Publishing at XSEED, told Siliconera that they are “definitely interested in pursuing” the game along with Rodea: The Sky Soldier. I’m not sure what changed, though I’m pleased to hear that both games are on XSEED’s radar!

“[Laughs.] If Kadokawa gives us a chance we would be honored to work on those titles (Rodea: The Sky Soldier and Earth Seeker). Kadokawa is definitely working on some good stuff between those two titles that you said. Every single project, as passionate as we are about bringing the best games we can get, it does in the end have to make some kind of business sense. Hopefully, we can come to terms with those games. Earth Seeker, I believe, was just released in Japan. Rodea still seems a way off and we want to see how it is received and how it progresses as a final game. We are definitely interested in pursuing those two titles. …Yes, our president does have a channel of communication with Kadokawa. So, we do talk to them, but I’m sure Kadokawa talks to a lot of American publishers.”


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