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Your Four Knight Princess Training Story details and screenshots – sub-characters, Commander Mode, Fighter Mode

Posted on February 22, 2018 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Screenshots, Switch

Nippon Ichi issued a new batch of details and screenshots today for Your Four Knight Princess Training Story. The latest media blast primarily covers a couple of sub-characters, Commander Mode, and Fighter Mode. We’ve rounded up everything below, courtesy of Siliconera.

Magnica (CV: Rei Matsuzaki)

– An admin in the Magic Guild
– She recognizes Veronica’s magic strength but also opposes her using it, so she creates an anti-Veronica faction

Criptarena (CV: Rika Morinaga)

– An influential noble from the Noble Merchants Alliance
– She was originally very close to the Yudaria family
– Monomaria’s story will show her fixation with the young princess

– Each of the four heroines have their own individual stories, and the player gets to have a ‘trial period’ with all of them first
– After choosing who to tutor, the game starts the first half of that princess’ story
– All princess’ stories need to completed to move to the second half of the game
– In the second half, you choose one character in particular to tutor, starting off the second half of the game
– There are also multiple endings depending on the princess’ trust in you, her mentor
– There are second playthrough bonuses

Commander Mode

– Can order soldier units to do specific things such as attacking together or charging forward
– Coordinated attack: the troops attack together after pressing the button
– There is a cooldown between attacks so players should be careful
– Commander attack: A charging attack that does damage at the press of a button
– It does more damage with a larger amount of enemies on screen

Fighter Mode

– The commander can take individual actions away from the troops
– The Fighter can use special, strong ‘Extra Attacks’ (a limited number of times) exclusively
– Fighter Mode characters can use Commander Attacks that make nearby troops perform attacks
– Extra attacks: Extra attacks are strong attacks that depend on the weapon used
– They are limited in the amount of uses, so use them strategically
– Commander attack: Troops near the commander attack with varying motions and distances depending on troop type


– Varying formations usable after conquering a certain percentage of a map

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