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3DS user comes across alternative eShop with Wii U listings and more

Posted on July 19, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News, Podcast Stories

NeoGAF member “ash_ag” has come across… something interesting on the 3DS eShop. His post would probably be much clearer than anything I could produce, so here’s his explanation:

I entered the Nintendo eShop to download a game that was releasing today and happened to be on my watchlist. A notification lead me right into it as soon as I entered, but due to not having enough empty space, I first had to delete something (via the eShop option). When I returned to download the game, it said I should live 3DS to charge a bit more (as it does when the battery is almost dead) and lead me to the main menu which was, well, different.

There are several minor UI updates as well as listings of Wii U games and collections. An error occurs when trying to get more info on a Wii U game, while collections seem to lead to unrelated 3DS categories (for example, ‘Wii U Demos’ leads to ‘Nintendo 3DS (Cart/Download)’ if I recall correctly).

‘Menu’ is mostly the same, though the top screen visuals are a bit different I think. Wii U games listings lead to the Wii U game (with its price, but no images), much like Earthbound. Also, 3DS VC listings had vanished, and Wii U ones seemed to be appearing instead (like Metroid and Kid Icarus, which much like Earthbound weren’t downloadable).

We’ve heard talk of Nintendo Network IDs coming to the 3DS, and people have speculated about Nintendo linking the Wii U and 3DS eShops. Maybe this is one step closer to that? Or is this nothing more than some random glitch?


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