American programmer lives out his decade-old dream working on Zelda: Breath of the Wild
A decade ago, Corey Bunnell made a post on TranslatorsCafe about spending a good portion of his senior year in high school as an exchange student. He was able to live in Japan, and it sounds like it was a great experience. He later wrote about how his “dream is to live in Japan and work for Nintendo as a game designer.”
Fast-forward to 2017. Nintendo just shipped The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild earlier this month. Towards the beginning of the game’s credits, almost every name is Japanese… except for one. In the “Wildlife Programming” section, one English name can be seen. Yup, it’s “Corey Bunnell”.
First, here’s a look at Bunnell’s post from 2007:
And the same name in Breath of the Wild’s credits:
These two Coreys have to be one in the same, right?