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Nintendo holding a “special” panel at PAX West 2017

Posted on August 13, 2017 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News

Nintendo tends to appear at the regular PAX events each year. With PAX West 2017 just a few weeks away, the big N’s presence is confirmed – and in an interesting way.

The official PAX West schedule was published this week. We now know that Nintendo will be holding some sort of panel in the Hydra Theater on September 2 between 10 and 11 AM. The panel itself is a mystery at present, with its description simply stating: “A special Nintendo panel at PAX West 2017!”

Could it be for Metroid: Samus Returns? Zelda: Breath of the Wild’s upcoming DLC? Anything is on the table at this point. Nintendo should be announcing details about the panel soon, along with other plans it has in store for PAX West 2017.


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