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Spyborgs dev speaks about how the game was rushed, pre-beta version shipped in the US, rough Bionic/Capcom relationship

Posted on May 1, 2014 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii

Former Bionic Games creative director Mike Stout has shared some incredibly interesting insight into the development of Spyborgs.

For those who are unaware, Spyborgs is Capcom’s Wii-exclusive title developed by Bionic Games. After its initial reveal, the project underwent a major overhaul following feedback from fans.

Stout says that Bionic had just six months to recreate its game from scratch for Capcom. Amazingly, Capcom ended up shipping an incomplete, pre-beta build in North America as the final version. Unlike Europe, the US received a game with untuned difficulty and companion AI that “just didn’t work.”

Stout also touched on the relationship between Bionic Games and Capcom. Sadly, both companies ended up treating each other very poorly.

You can find all of Stout’s tweets after the break. Please note that some of the messages contain strong lanauge.


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