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3DS shooter Phosphorescent Lanze heading to the Japanese 3DS eShop

Posted on October 31, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS eShop, News

Amzy is working on a new shooter for the Japanese 3DS eShop. On December 4, the company will release “Phosphorescent Lanze”. Here’s what we know about the downloadable title thus far:

– Control a mech that can switch between two modes
– Flight form: move fast, can use lock-on missiles that hit multiple targets, and a powerful charge shot
– Can also more easily shake off missiles
– Have a slightly higher attack power
– Can’t make quick movements
– Wide turning radius
– Need more skill to target enemies in flight mode
– Fighting mode: more momentum, easier to target enemies
– Not suited for long distance travel or fighting multiple enemies
– Purchase different subunits that change how your ship performs
– These include lowering defense, but greatly raising attack power.
– 1,000 yen


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