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GameTrailers’ “Nintendo Power Hour” includes Reggie, Miyamoto, Sonic Lost Worlds

Posted on June 6, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories, Wii U

GameTrailers will be live-streaming E3 demonstrations and interviews on Monday and Tuesday of next week. That Tuesday will feature a “Nintendo Power Hour” at 2 PM ET / 11 PM PT. Reggie Fils-Aime and Shigeru Miyamoto will be making appearances, and the first Sonic Lost Worlds E3 demo for Wii U will be shown.

The full description reads:

“It’s the interview you’ve been waiting all E3 (well let’s be honest, ALL YEAR!) to see. Geoff Keighley sits down with REGGIE FILS-AIME for an in-depth two part interview about the state of Nintendo. Will Reggie yell at Geoff again or will he check all the boxes and leave the competition in the dust? Find out live! Plus, the legend himself SHIGERU MIYAMOTO joins Geoff as well for a special chat about what’s new at Nintendo. Finally our friends from MEGA64 join us to discuss their thoughts on E3 so far and we show the first E3 demo of SONIC LOST WORLDS for the Wii-U.”


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