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“Nintendo@E3 2013 Community” launched on Miiverse

Posted on June 6, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories, Wii U

Nintendo has opened a special Miiverse community for E3 2013. For a limited time, fans can partake in the official “Nintendo@E3 2013 Community”.

You can access the main section on your PC/mobile device here. There’s also a “Backstage” section, located here, which is for more official announcements and such.

Read the official announcement post here, or find it below.

Hi, it’s Tom at Nintendo.

Welcome to the Nintendo @E3 2013 Community!
We made this community as a place in Miiverse where you could voice and share your opinions about everything and anything that we will be announcing during this year’s E3.

What are you excited about? What games are you eager to hear about and play?

If you’d like to share your thoughts on Miiverse about this year’s Nintendo E3 activities, make sure you post them in the E3 community. We want to make sure we hear about them.

And here in the Backstage, I’ll be making random, behind-the-scenes posts from now throughout E3. Some may be what’s been announced in the Nintendo Direct, some may be not. I won’t be posting any breaking news, but I hope you’ll keep checking it out.

Lastly, this community will be open only for a limited time. So if you have something you want to post, I suggest you do so soon.

Thanks and I hope you’ll look forward to this year’s E3!


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