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GAME issues statement breaking street dates, says it “undermines the work” of game creators

Posted on October 17, 2013 by (@NE_Austin) in 3DS, General Gaming, General Nintendo, News, Platforms

pokemon x/y x and y

“We take compliance with all industry standards and regulations very seriously. It was extremely disappointing to see a number of competitors break street date over Thursday and Friday on Nintendo products across both online and store environments.”

“We are seeing street date breaches occur on a frequent basis and this undermines the work which goes in to creating exceptional launches. We’ve worked very closely with Nintendo in the run-up to launch in order to make them as successful as possible. We have worked with them on every decision taken.”

– GAME category director Charlotte Knight

This comes in response to multiple retailers allowing folks to purchase Pokémon X/Y early, which greatly upset Nintendo and may have caused fines to be issued in certain cases. GAME has been guilty of breaking street dates before, however– just not with such colossal franchises.


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