David Jaffe weighs in on Nintendo’s latest financial news, says Iwata should stick around
David Jaffe has been known for having some strong opinions of Nintendo, such as when he suggested that the company should be sold to Disney. Earlier today, Jaffe published a copious amount of tweets surrounding Nintendo’s latest financial news and commented on those calling for Satoru Iwata’s resignation. Head past the break for a full roundup of Jaffe’s tweets.
Do I think- 4 my own selfish reasons regarding stuff I like- that I'd would love to hear about Nintendo selling to Disney? Yep! But folks
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
Calling for Iwata to step down miss sight of what makes Nintendo great. You'd never get the Wii type successes if you don't allow a guy like
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
Iwata to fail hard as well.
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
.@3BeatSketcher Sorry-I mean that failure can be a sign that a person has lost 'it' and needs to go OR a sign that a person is still very
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
.@3BeatSketcher much relevant and has tons of great work left in them but is taking the same sorts of chances that- in the past- have lead
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
.@3BeatSketcher to great successes but are now- temporarily- leading to some failures. You MUST fail if you want to grow and have new
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
.@3BeatSketcher successes. My point is, you WANT a person who fails for these latter reasons and you want to lose one who fails for the
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
.@3BeatSketcher initial reasons. I feel Iwata is the later and he's certainly earned the right to fail more than he has to this point. And
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
.@3BeatSketcher that's from a gamer AND stockholder perspective. If you wanna make money, back the folks who fail properly.
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
@OfGloriousLife Failure isn't just an option, it's desired if the goal is big success. And investors who don't value failure are idiots.
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
@OfGloriousLife Yes- bad move. Many thought Wii 1 was a bad move at first as well. Point is, so what it's a bad move. Investors need to
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
@OfGloriousLife be thinking BIG PICTURE and LONG GAME with a company like Nintendo.
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
@OfGloriousLife Right- they are stupid. Companies that I admire are the ones that don't only play for the short term win.
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
@OfGloriousLife No but you can look at the up and down history of the company and see that if you want to invest in a company like Nintendo
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
@OfGloriousLife those ups and downs are part of what makes them great.
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
@TheKevinDent Of course there's a line. I just don't think they've crossed it.
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
Imagine throwing out ALL of that wonderful knowledge and understanding and HARD lessons learned by cleaning house at Sony cause the PS3 did
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
not perform as well as investors would have liked. Yes, sometimes the solve is to clean house, sometimes it's to clean a bit of the house,
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014
but damn, I think people are losing sight of the value of failure. Anyone, I gotta go to work- thanks for chatting about it! 🙂
— davidscottjaffe (@davidscottjaffe) January 17, 2014