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Xenoblade Chronicles X tracks playtime beyond 100 hours

Posted on February 2, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U

The original Xenoblade Chronicles had an issue keeping track of playtime. After 99 hours and 59 minutes, the counter wouldn’t progress any further.

This is something that Monolith Soft made sure to address in Xenoblade Chronicles X. Director Koh Kojima noted on Twitter:

“As always, thank you to the users for their support. I’m Xenoblade Chronicles X’s director, Kojima. The embargo on a lot of information pertaining to the game has been lifted, so I will be talking about it here.”

“First of all, as a greeting, I’ll talk about the game’s playtime display. There was talk about how, now matter how long you played, Xenoblade Chronicles would be completed in 99 hours and 59 minutes. And so, we’ve changed that this time around.”

“In the Famitsu interview a few days ago, Takahashi mentioned the time of ‘300 hours’ and of course the playtime will be properly displayed [this time around]. Of course, we’ve made it so there will be no problems even if you play beyond that amount of time.”


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