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13AM Games – Wii U benefits from Wiimote support, not worried about the console’s sales, more

Posted on July 28, 2015 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Wii U eShop

Engadget put up a new interview with a couple of folks from 13AM Games. The site spoke with Dave Proctor and Alex Rushdy, who are developing Runbow for Wii U.

You can read up on what Proctor and Rushdy said below with topics including talk of releasing Runbow on Wii U and the term “indie”. Check out Engadget’s original piece here.

On how Wii U being compatible with Wiimotes is one reason why Runbow is on Wii U…

“I also think a big strength of the Wii U that I don’t hear people talk about a lot, is the fact that it’s compatible with all of the old controllers that you had for your Wii. One of the reasons that Runbow is going to be on Wii U is that, generally speaking, if you own a Wii U, you probably owned a Wii or you had a friend who owned the Wii or whatever it is. So, if you’re like, ‘Hey, I want to get nine players in my house playing this game,’ you don’t have to go and buy, you know, eight $60 controllers. You probably already have them.” – Rushdy

On how the team isn’t worried about the Wii U’s install base…

“Anyone that tells you that they’re not concerned about the potential revenue of their game is a total liar. I have confidence. I feel good. Yes, it’s not the highest sales, but it’s not so far off of the Xbox One that it’s drowning. And the fanbase is so rabid, which I really like. They have a really good — I’ve listened to some talks and some numbers — they have a really good install base with the eShop for digital titles and stuff like that.” – Proctor

“When Wii U owners like a game, they really like a game. …(the) response has been really good.” – Rushdy

On how Runbow is optimized at 1080p, which wasn’t easy to do…

“There are technical limitations [with the Wii U], as there will be with anything. Conveniently for us, the kind of games that we want to make aren’t very technically heavy, inasmuch as they’re not gray and brown. We like 2D stuff. We like simpler games.” – Proctor

On the term “indie”…

“We wanted to pack a lot into it so that it doesn’t feel like this is a little indie game. We really want to give people a lot of bang for their buck. So, for a lot of these indies that are becoming bigger and bigger, the word ‘indie’ is actually kind of damaging, in a way. There’s a certain baggage that comes with it. As much as I’m proud to say I’m an indie developer and our game is proud to say that it’s an indie game, there’s a certain baggage with that.” – Rushdy


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