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Fire Emblem Heroes: Update 2.6 on the way, new Voting Gauntlet announced

Posted on May 29, 2018 by (@OnePunchMaz) in Mobile, News

Fire Emblem Heroes’ next Voting Gauntlet has been announced. It will pit the Order of Heroes (Alfonse: Prince of Askr, Sharena: Princess of Askr, Anna: Commander and Fjorm:Princess of Ice) against four Legendary Heroes (Ryoma: Supreme Samurai, Gunnthrá: Voice of Dreams, Robin: Fell Vessel and Ike: Vanguard Legend). You can see the full bracket in the header image above. The first round will start on June 1st.

Also, Fire Emblem Heroes’ 2.6 update has been detailed. The update will go live on June 8th. It’ll mostly be about quality of life changes and some skill and forge updates, but it will also introduce one new feature: accessories. Accessories can be seen on your Heroes’ “chibi” versions. They won’t alter stats or skills, so they are only for cosmetic purposes. They will be available through events, quests and other means.

  • Tiki: Dragon Scion and Tiki: Naga’s Voice will be able to learn a new weapon skill at the 5-star level: Breath of Fog. This skill can then be further upgraded in the Weapon Refinery. Linde: Light Mage’s Aura and Merric: Wind Mage’s Excalibur will get further upgrade options in the Weapon Refinery.
  • The Allies menu will see a few adjustments to make navigation easier. For example, leveling up and learning skills will now be grouped under the new “Ally Growth” option and changing skill, seals and accessories will be grouped under the new “Change Equipment” option.
  • A new “Auto-Learn” option will be added. Using it will allow a Hero to automatically use all their SP to learn all their available skills.
  • After the update, there will be eight types of favorite marks instead of just one.
  • Having a Legendary Hero or a Hero with a Blessing that matches the current season in your team will increase your score in Arena Assault by 1 for each Hero.
  • After the update, Heroes will gain more SP from leveling up and more shards will be obtained when clearing a stage in the Training Tower.
  • Labels will added to the home screen to more clearly mark the functions of each option
  • When logging in, the speed at which notifications are displayed will be increased
  • If the results of an event have not been viewed, a ! icon will be displayed on the corresponding event
  • Future Grand Conquests will indicate the points earned for an area after battle
  • The weapon-type icon will be displayed for bonus allies in the Arena and Tempest Trials
  • For future summoning events, the colors of the featured Heroes’ summoning stones will be displayed

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