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Tim Schafer really wants to make a Wii game, explains why Double Fine hasn’t done so yet

Posted on November 25, 2010 by (@NE_Brian) in GameCube, News, Wii

This information comes from Double Fine’s website…

“Most of my all time favorite games are Nintendo games. I have touched Shigeru Miyamoto with my bare hands!!! (He was very soft and pleasant.) Double Fine would love to make something for Nintendo’s fine machine, but it’s not up to us. It’s the publisher’s money, so they get to decide what platform to invest in. In other words, IT’S NOT OUR FAULT! I personally would have loved to make Psychonauts for the Game Cube. (Well, not literally me personally. I would have loved to tell someone else to make it, and I would have loved to watch them do it, and I would have loved yelling, “Faster! Faster!” as they worked.) I really hope we get a chance to make a game for the Wii some day. Why don’t you spam your favorite publisher with mail right now and ask them to send us money to make a Wii game? (And a little extra money for a pool table?)” – Tim Schafer

Double Fine has made a few fantastic titles over the past decade. There’s Psychonauts of course, and Brutal Legend more recently. The funny thing is, we did hear a few rumors about that title coming to Wii, although it was supposedly being made by a different developer.

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