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[Let’s Talk] What are you playing? – November 2021

Posted on November 6, 2021 by (@NE_Brian) in Let's Talk

A new month rolled right on this week. Now that we’re in November, we want to know what you’ve been playing.

These past few weeks have been extremely busy for Nintendo releases between Metroid Dread, Mario Party Superstars, Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water, Dusk, World War Z, Dying Light, and many other titles. You could argue that this past month was the busiest of the year for Switch.

So what have you been playing as of late? No matter the case, let us know in the comments below.

Highlights from last week’s topic: Have you picked up a Nintendo Switch Online + Expansion Pass subscription?

Jay Bern

If it was only an extra 10 or even 15 dollars, I’d probably have got it day one. As it is, though, streaming N64 and Genesis games plus basically subscribing to a DLC that you can just buy on its own (and might not even interest you if you don’t play Animal Crossing) isn’t enough to justify such a massive price hike. Something as simple as earning more gold points when making digital purchases could’ve easily made this something that everyone would want.

I’m sure Nintendo will add more overtime that’ll make the expansion pass more appealing, but that’s half the problem. Give us something worth buying NOW, not a year or more before it’s ready.


I did because I’m my particular situation it was worth it. I have eight people in my family group, and six of them play Animal Crossing on separate systems and all six are interested in the DLC. That would be $150 if bought separately. Since we are already subscribed to switch online, it would be 5 years of expansion service for that cost to match up.

While everyone is focused on their retro games and comparing the cost, I’m looking at the DLC aspect of it and I’m thinking that 64, Genesis and Animal Crossing DLC isn’t going to be the only thing included in the expansion service. I honestly don’t know what their plans are but all I know is that it is a worth it for my situation starting November 5th and can only hope that it’s going to be continue worth it for me as they talk more about the service.

My guess is, is that this is like subscription services that other companies have, such as Game Pass, Stadia Pro, and EA play pro because nowadays companies are interested in the subscription service to keep themselves rolling and being less reliant on every game being a success. If that’s the case and it’s super makes sense for them to include more stuff as time goes on but they probably should have talked more about their plans for the future today. But you know Nintendo they like to surprise people with last minute information.


My original assessment was that it was too expensive. But I think that was just sticker-shock. The logic that it’s just $4 a month is sound.

That said, I have decided to wait for now. For one, I want to see a bigger library before I commit. For two, I want to see if they heed all these reports we’re getting regarding the N64 emulation problems, and iron them out.

Haven Electro

Nah, not really for me. I have a 64 and all of my favorite games 4 controllers with improved analog sticks and cord extenders. I’m set up already.

My wife will probably just buy the expansion for AC separately. I will keep the basic online as that’s how I smash.


I don’t like what I paid, but I’ve had a ton of fun with it. Haven’t tried online yet, but for the offline play I’ve used it for, I have had zero issues. If I don’t see fog, I am not going to lose it. I’m almost 40. I don’t care. I just am here to have fun occasionally. Haven’t noticed any sound errors, button input issues or lag. Been totally fine for me.


No, have not picked it up and never. In fact I am insulted and am reconsidering the value of switch online all together, now that I have had some time to experience all its features.


As someone who still owns an N64, the only thing the NSO service offers for me are the Sega Genesis games. Seeing as most of the games are in collections released prior, I don’t really have an incentive to upgrade the service.

Even if down the line, they added additional games to both libraries, I still can’t see myself investing in the service because it’s only temporary. If I ever decide to stop paying or they decide to take down the service, I have no way to play the games again, let alone access the save data.

The one worthwhile thing for me is the online multiplayer. That alone is amazing in it’s own right because none of these games could be played online before. Now I could play with my family wherever they are.


I have not, and I probably never will.

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