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Suda51 teases No More Heroes announcement for 2012, 3DS/Vita game “would be interesting”

Posted on October 3, 2011 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News

Since No More Heroes launched on Wii a number of years ago, the franchise has made an appearance on other platforms. Grasshopper has never tried making a game in the franchise for a portable system, however.

Could that change in the future? The short answer is possibly.

In an interview with Eurogamer, Grasshopper CEO Goichi Suda stated that No More Heroes is “one of the most important IPs” for the company. He also provided a coy response when asked if the franchise will move to the 3DS or Vita.

“Lots of things are being cooked up, but I can’t really say much right now. As far as No More Heroes is concerned I consider it one of the most important IPs we have at Grasshopper and hopefully we can announce something for this series next year. I’m sure [series protagonist] Travis is not having a good time being missed, with no announcement this year! …Hmm. Hmmm. That (No More Heroes on 3DS or Vita) *would* be interesting… (with a smile)”


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