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Super Punch-Out!! new codes discovered, including multiplayer

Posted on August 8, 2022 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Switch

super punch out cheat code multiplayer

Nearly three decades after the original release of Super Punch-Out!!, two new related cheat codes have been discovered for the game, including what’s essentially a hidden multiplayer mode.

The first cheat provides access to a free match mode. On the title screen, hold Y+R on the second controller, and then press A or Start on the first controller. After this, a different screen will appear instead or regular menus where you can select any character to fight a free single match. Interestingly, even fighters from Special Circuit are available.

This free match mode can also be used to access the two-player mode. When in that mode, at the character info screen, hold B+Y on the second controller, then press A or Start on the first controller. Doing so will allow both characters to be controlled by you and a friend.

Twitter user Unlisted Cheats made today’s discoveries and shared the news on social media. You can check out those messages below.

Super Punch-Out!! originally came to the SNES in 1994. Those with an active Nintendo Switch Online subscription can play it now via Switch’s SNES app, and yes, today’s cheat codes work in that version.

What do you think of today’s discoveries for the new Super Punch-Out!! cheats? Will you be trying them out for yourself? Let us know in the comments.

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