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Retro Game Challenge 1 + 2 Replay not planned for English release

Posted on May 4, 2024 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch

Retro Game Challenge Switch

The Switch title Retro Game Challenge 1 + 2 Replay will not be getting an English release in the west – at least for the time being. That news comes directly from the game’s developers.

In a recent Famitsu interview, Bandai Namco’s Midori Sugiyama and indieszero’s Masanobu Suzui spoke about the situation. Suzui in particular elaborated on why it isn’t possible, with him indicating that there wouldn’t be enough interest and various aspects would need to be altered.

Here’s what the two shared:

Sugiyama: I heard the Nintendo DS version was popular in North America. However, there are currently no plans to release the Nintendo Switch version (Retro Game Challenge 1 + 2 Replay) overseas.

Suzui: Overseas it was sold as Retro Game Challenge and the number of people who knew Arino Shinya grew. They didn’t know about the TV show but seemed to play the title as a way to let them experience Japanese retro-game culture. People have brought game boxes with them on overseas business trips and requested me to sign them.

We welcome that kind of core fan, but in total, there is not a large number and I think localization is hard. Not only language but altering things like graphics and design are also important so… I am sorry but, if possible, play the Japanese version this time.

Admittedly, it would have been a surprise to see Retro Game Challenge 1 + 2 Replay in the west. There are other aspects to consider here that the developers didn’t bring up. For one thing, XSEED originally localized the first game for DS, but the second entry never left Japan. XSEED also indicated that Retro Game Challenge did not sell well in the west many years ago. 

While it won’t be happening now, would you be interested in seeing Retro Game Challenge 1 + 2 Replay launch overseas? Let us know in the comments.

Translation provided by Philip Proctor, Simon Griffin, and SatsumaFS on behalf of Nintendo Everything.

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