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Alien: Isolation Switch tech analysis

Posted on December 4, 2019 by (@NE_Brian) in News, Switch, Videos

Alien: Isolation

Alien: Isolation launches on Switch this week, and it appears to be one of the most impressive ports for the console thus far. Digital Foundry has shared some technical details to examine how it holds up.

Here’s a summary:

– Uses dynamic resolution, contrast adaptive sharpening and TAA
– Usually 1080p docked, but can drop a bit lower
– Switch version is cleaner than the PS4/Xbox One versions in motion due to a reliance on more modern accumulation temporal anti-aliasing
– This allows for smooth edges on Switch
– Targets 720p in portable mode
– Image quality an improvement over every other console version
– Some visual effects cut on Switch such as ambient occlusion and motion blur
– Uses Switch’s surround sound for audio, on par with the PS4 version
– Full motion videos more compressed on Switch
– Loading times comparable to the PS4 version, but a bit longer
– Reflections retained on Switch
– Chromatic aberration and film grain are both featured, but can be disabled
– Consistent at 30 frames per second
– Very minor frame rate dips

You can watch Digital Foundry’s full analysis below.

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