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Breakers Collection launch trailer

Posted on December 25, 2022 by (@NE_Brian) in Switch eShop, Videos

Breakers Collection trailer

Breakers Collection still has a little ways to go until its ready for primetime, but a launch trailer has already been shared. QUByte Interactive is showing off the collection that contains the original games and some new content.

Learn more about it in the following overview:

Breakers Collection features both of the original games (Breakers and Breakers Revenge) and a brand new content for the cult-classic among the fans of Fighting Games, that was first released in 1996 for the Neogeo and Arcades and after released with a sequel in 1998 with additional playable characters, balance adjustments and new gameplay elements.

Breakers Collection is an action-fighting game, with a roster with many playable characters (10 in Breakers Revenge), that were all known by the fans from around the world.

The special actions are also similar to other fighting games from the same era, although the dashing and back-stepping techniques tend to differ between characters.

In this collection, the player will have the opportunity to play the classic Versus Mode local or with online lobbies, Arcade Mode, Ranked battles with Rollback Netcode (GGPO), Team Battle, Art gallery, Training mode and more!

View the new Breakers Collection trailer below.

Breakers Collection is due out for Switch via the eShop on January 12, 2023. Visit the official site here.

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