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Capcom on Revelations HD’s improved visuals, reasoning for re-release

Posted on February 18, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Podcast Stories, Wii U

Some may think of Resident Evil: Revelations’ console release as a port, but there is a healthy amount of new content in the game. Users will be able to play as Hunk in Raid mode (which also has new weapons), take on a new enemy type, and experience a tougher difficulty level.

Capcom has also touched up the game’s visuals significantly. Resident Evil: Revelations Tsukasa Takenaka told Joystiq:

“The models have been almost completely redone, the lighting filters, those kind of effects that consoles can do, has been redone from scratch and it’s definitely something where we’ve made the game into something that’s a whole new version for consoles.”

The idea of bringing Revelations to consoles only came about after the 3DS version was out the door, according to Takenaka:

“When we worked on the 3DS version, we were completely targeting the 3DS. We didn’t start in HD, scale down, and now we’re scaling up – we worked to the exact 3DS specs. Development was also going on Mercenaries so the team wouldn’t have had the capacity to be working on anything above the resolution of the 3DS screen, just to have the assets. At the time there was no plan for consoles – the console version was only decided after the 3DS launch and after we received fan and critic feedback on the game.”

With the new Revelations edition, Capcom is hoping to appeal to those who wish to play through the game on their television and fans without 3DS systems. But don’t get any ideas that the company is re-releasing the title due to a poor performance on Nintendo’s handheld. Takenaka said that the HD version wasn’t a “response to any disappointment” regarding Revelations’ initial release.

“I don’t think it’s right to say this is anything to do with any perceived disappointment with the performance of the game on the 3DS; quite the opposite. We find that the reception from fans and critics was very positive and we were very happy with the sales given the 3DS market at the time of its release. It isn’t anything to do with us trying to salvage any kind of lost opportunity; quite the contrary.”


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