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Two Level-5 3DS titles have received release dates from this month’s CoroCoro.

The Little Battlers W is due out in Japan on June 27. Pricing is set at 4,440 yen. Youkai Watch will be available on July 11 for 4,800 yen.

Level-5 will probably be making official release date announcements within the next few days.

Last week, rumors of a new Mewtwo-like Pokemon were finally confirmed. Original speculation indicated that this would be a new Mewtwo form rather than a brand new Pokemon, but the official announcement made this unclear.

Thanks to the latest issue of CoroCoro, we now have some clarity. The magazine confirms that Mewtwo will have a new form – yes, the Pokemon shown last week – and notes that its new shape has formed after being awakened.


During Nintendo Direct’s February broadcast, Nintendo teased an exclusive Animal Crossing: New Leaf feature for both North America and Europe. The company has now made the mystery inclusion public through the newly-translated Iwata Asks interview.

New Leaf allows players to collect houses through StreetPass and view them in the Happy Home Showcase. According to an editor’s note posted in the the Iwata Asks discussion, Nintendo plans to distribute its own homes in this area. Nothing mind-blowing, but a neat little feature for sure.


Namco Bandai is doing something incredible for the launch of Project X Zone. For no extra cost, the company is releasing a limited edition version of the 3DS game that packs in a copy of the game, soundtrack, mini-poster, and mini-art book.

GameStop posted a first look at the Project X Zone Limited Edition contents. Take a look below:

You can absolutely guarantee that you’ll receive a copy of Project X Zone Limited Edition by pre-ordering. We advise going with the major retailers such as Amazon, Best Buy, or GameStop.

A few Puzzles & Dragons Z details have escaped this month’s CoroCoro. The magazine mentions that the game will include 3DS-exclusive drops that result in a big explosion when cleared, and there are over 200 monsters to collect. A release is planned for winter in Japan.


The same 3DS StreetPass Mii Plaza that was made available in North America a few months ago has now launched in Europe. After receiving a SpotPass notification, you should automatically receive the first puzzle piece.

Hit up the StreetPass Mii Plaza to fill the new puzzle. You can find it under Puzzle Swap in the “Play” section.


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