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More Monster Hunter 4 details have been transcribed from Famitsu. Much of the news comes from Ryozo Tsujimoto, the game’s producer.

For a summary of the latest information, check out the summary below.

– In development for two years
– Development scale is the largest in series history
– Developing ran in parallel with Monster Hunter Tri G
– The team was able to take the better ideas from Tri G and use them in Monster Hunter 4
– Target camera was added to Tri G because they were thinking about using it in MH4
– Can bring two Felynes with you on quests just like Tri G
– There will be “catchy” new elements related to Felynes
– Keyword for MH4: “adventure”
– Team wants solid drama for the single-player mode
– Looking to add major story developments to absorb players into the single-player mode
– Home base is called “Barubare”
– Barubare is a collection of caravans
– These caravans more to various areas
– Caravan’s leader and receptionist girl shown in Famitsu
– Uses a free camera due to the height variations
– Can do jump attacks that make use of height differences
– Enemies will see changes to their movements based off slope and height differences
– Environments can see changes and destruction
– New options and breadth to your overground actions
– Team is aiming to make a game that you’ll have fun just running around the fields
– Tsujimoto promises a fresh new play feel with new elements
– Name of the monster with big ears shown from the trailer is “Kecha Wacha”
– Field with the red rocks from the trailer is “Ruins Field” (Iseki Heigen)
– Local play of 1-4 players in mentioned in Famitsu’s information box
– Doesn’t say anything about online play

Thanks to 4Him for the tip.

Source 1, Source 2

So, this is incredibly odd. Famitsu has posted its entire data of the latest software/hardware sales in Japan. It usually waits a week before providing any sort of concrete numbers, but not this time! This could be a pretty big change for Famitsu…

In any case, we’ve posted the translated software/hardware sales below. We’ll also post Media Create’s data later today.


1. [NDS] Pokemon Black/White 2 – 416,850 / 2,035,471
2. [PS3] Atelier Ayesha – 75,874 / NEW
3. [PS3] Robotics;Notes – 57,797 / NEW
4. [3DS] Culdcept – 54,086 / NEW
5. [3DS] Dragon Quest Monsters: Terry’s Wonderland 3D – 43,648 / 787,615
6. [PS3] Resident Evil Chronicles HD Collection – 28,042 / NEW
7. [WII] Project Zero 2: Wii Edition – 24,804 / NEW
8. [PSV] Metal Gear Solid HD Collection – 23,586 / NEW
9. [360] Robotics;Notes – 17,076 / NEW
10. [PS3] .hack Sekai No Mukou Ni + Versus Hybrid Pack – 16,664 / NEW
11. [PS3] The IdolM@ster: Gravure For You! Vol. 9 – 14,086 / NEW
12. [WII] Mario Party 9 – 12,314 / 458,034
13. [PSV] Persona 4 Golden – 12,261 / 182,829
14. [3DS] Mario Tennis Open – 12,035 / 240,521
15. [PS3] Tokyo Jungle – 11,491 / 178,628
16. [PSP] Dies irae ~Amantes amentes~ – 11,124 / NEW
17. [PSP] Kenka Banchou Bros. Tokyo Battle Royal – 10,474 / 29,284
18. [PSP] Strike Witches: Shirogane no Tsubasa – 8,964 / NEW
19. [3DS] Super Mario 3D Land – 5,797 / 1,654,003
20. [3DS] Monster Hunter Tri G – 5,484 / 1,480,200
21. [WII] Wii Sports Resort – 5,052 / 2,909,384
22. [PS3] Dragon’s Dogma – 5,021 / 449,008
23. [3DS] Jake Hunter: Rondo of Revenge – 4,994 / NEW
24. [3DS] Mario Kart 7 – 4,652 / 1,752,616
25. [PSP] unENDing Bloody Call – 4,408 / NEW
26. [PSP] Arabic Lost Caverns 3,747 / NEW
27. [PS3] Lollipop Chainsaw – 3,626 / 62,608
28. [WII] Wii Party – 3,615 / 2,296,760
29. [PSP] Akiba’s Trip Plus – 3,421 / 36,223
30. [WII] Taiko no Tatsujin Wii: Ketteiban – 3,085 / 238,028


3DS – 65,267
Vita – 22,638
PS3 – 16,399
PSP – 11,461
Wii – 6,880
Xbox 360 – 861
DSi – 657
PS2 – 490

We found out about Quiz Party last week. Today, Nintendo of Europe has made the game official. You can find the announcement below.

Following in the footsteps of Wii Sports, Wii Party, Wii Play Motion and Mario Party series, Nintendo are set to launch a new family favourite – QUIZ PARTY

4th July 2012 – Get your thinking cap on and prepare for hours of fun with your friends and family when the latest party favourite from Nintendo comes to Wii in the UK on 27th July. QUIZ PARTY offers you a unique and inclusive experience which can be enjoyed by everyone, and with an unlimited number of players you can truly put everyone’s general knowledge to the test!

With over 2000 questions covering a wide variety of themes, all voiced by legendary Quiz Show host Roy Walker, there really is something for everyone in QUIZ PARTY! It doesn’t matter what your favourite subject is, you could be asked a random selection of questions covering a varied range of themes Whether you are a whizz at History, Geography and Nature or if your knowledge is a little more current and you prefer Sport, TV and Films, there will be a question to suit everyone. Get the game started by selecting between two and four teams and with no limit on the number of people on each team, everyone in the room can have a go.

Thanks to icetweet for the tip.

This week’s Famitsu review scores are as follows:

Time Travelers (3DS/Vita) – 9/9/9/9
Resistance: Burning Skies (PSV) – 8/8/8/8
Calcio Bit 3DS (3DS) – 8/9/7/8
Taiko Drum Master: Little Dragon and the Mysterious Orb (3DS) – 8/8/8/7

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