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Hey guys, Austin here. I just got back from 6 hours on the show floor at E3, and I played a looooot of stuff. No Wii U yet (lines, man), but I did play all of the following things:

– Skyward Sword
– Star Fox 64 3D Multiplayer
– Resident Evil: Revelations
– Super Mario 3D
– Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater 3D
– Kirby GO ATTACK FUN (or whatever it’s called; the DS one)
– Mario Kart 3D
– Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games (3DS)
– Sonic Generations (3DS)
– Need for Speed: The Run (3DS)

If you have questions about any of these games, OR about anything E3-related in general (including the Wii U; I didn’t play it, but saw a LOT of people playing it), please comment on this post and we will get to all of them in a podcast going up later tonight. Thanks, guys!

Update 3: Looks like it’s about to start. Be prepared for updates!

Update 2: It’s running late, but stay tuned… not sure when it’s starting.

Update: It starts at 9 PM actually!

If what I’m hearing is correct, Nintendo’s annual E3 roundtable will be taking place in roughly 30 minutes (7:30 PM EDT). There’s a decent chance that we’ll get something interesting out of the conference. In past years, we’ve received a Pikmin 3 confirmation (where the heck is that game?), a Smash Bros. Brawl trailer, and Skyward Sword art.

I’ll be covering the event for you guys live. Also know that a second roundtable will be hosted tomorrow. One of the two events is likely to contain information about Wii U’s online functionality.

Austin tells me that the wireless connection in the Nokia Theater is dialup-like. I don’t know if that means there won’t be a blog, but you can be sure I’ll be posting live updates like last year.

We’re back!

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 1 Comment

That was close. Maintenance is complete. I had to disable forum integration for now, but it’s well worth it for speed and stability.

It’ll be back once the conference is complete. For now, you can comment the old way!

We really, really want to make sure that nothing happens to the site while Nintendo’s conference is going on. So we’ve been doing a bit more maintenance work, as you may have noticed. With any luck, we should be good to go! Austin’s live-blog should be up somewhat soon – expect it on the site in 20-40 minutes.

Update: The forum seems to have 100% functionality, though staying logged in on the main site appears to be an issue. We’ll look into that!

I just realized that the forum kept logging people off about every 5 minutes! That was a result of the technical stabilizability that we were aiming for earlier. With any luck, the site shouldn’t be down today and you should also be able to log into the forum now.

I hope.

Please send us an email if you see any issues!

Sorry about little downtime there. Our technical overlord was trying to ensure that the sites won’t go down later in case of traffic overload. Have to be cautious!

Anyway, Nintendo’s E3 2011 conference starts in just a few hours. I’ll be making posts on the site until then, but keep in mind that you can look forward to a live-blog from Austin (granted he has access to Wi-Fi in the Nokia Theater). Additionally, I’ll be posting live news updates on the site. As I’ve said previously, it’s very possible that you’ll see something on the blog but not on the site, and vise versa. So you may just want to keep tabs on both.

I’ll be making another post before the conference. I believe Austin will try to have the live blog ready by 10:45 AM EDT, so check back on the site for that.

Update: Starting now!

Ubisoft’s conference is set to begin in just a half hour. My eyes feel like popping out of my skull, but our E3 coverage continues! Live updates will be made on Nintendo Everything and Gaming Everything. Nintendo fans can look forward to Rayman: Origins, a new Raving Rabbids game, Just Dance (uh, nevermind), and TinTin (supposedly coming to the Wii).

Stay tuned for information!

Update: Actually, it’s Monday now… So E3 begins today!

Welp, we’re finally here! E3 2011 will officially begin in just a few hours. And in case you haven’t heard, we’ll be having the biggest E3 coverage to date on Nintendo Everything and Gaming Everything.

Austin and the rest of the crew have arrived in Los Angeles, so, if everything goes well, we should have a bunch of articles, photos, videos, and other features available for you this week.

Here’s a rundown of events:

Let’s just be straight: I’ve had a pretty bad track record of staying on top of contests with the sites. Most of the time I get distracted by one thing or another, and then at the last second I end up picking the winners and posting it without hesitation. This time I actually got the winners picked quickly, but with all this E3 business, I’ve been far too preoccupied to actually post about it! The point is, we’ve got five people who won some RocketFish DSi Battery Packs, which allow you to get to over 9000 power level on your DSi just by plugging it in.

tl;dr – Some people won stuff. Hit the break for their names.

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