New staff, slight role update for Austin, editing comments, and perhaps a new video player
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 10 Comments
I’ve got a bunch of site news to share with you guys. Since there’s a lot to talk about, I’ll get right to it…
1) We’re adding two new editors to the site, Patrick and Elliot. Both of them will be providing additional editorial content. Basically, you can expect to read a number of reviews and articles from them in the future. Patrick’s first review will be going up later today and Elliot will have something for us very soon.
2) Starting next month, Austin will be taking over the site on Tuesdays and Thursdays from about 5 – 8 PM EST. However, during that period, I’ll probably have some posts scheduled that will go live on the site at a specific time. Austin will still continue his weekly “What do YOU think?” articles, but his slightly updated role will help free up some time for me. You might also see him posting news here and there, similar to what happened yesterday.
3) This is probably something that should have been available a long time ago, but it’s finally here – The ability to edit your comments. Guest commentators will be able to edit their comments for up to 15 minutes while registered users will be able to edit their comments indefinitely. With this new system, you’ll also be able to send in a request for your comment to be deleted. I’m sorry that these features haven’t been available in the past, though I’m glad we are finally able to include them on the site!
4) Last but not least, I’d like to discuss the possibility of introducing a new video player. Even though I’ve already posted a topic about this on the forum, I’m interested in bringing this news to the attention of all site visitors:
Since you guys are the ones who really power Nintendo Everything, I feel like feedback is something that’s very important for the growth of the site. Also, before I go ahead with anything major, I believe it’s necessary to hear what you guys have to say.
With that said, a new type of advertising opportunity was presented to me. If we go through with it, a short video ad would sometimes play before you watch video content. Here are the benefits:
– We wouldn’t need to host the videos ourselves, thus saving bandwidth and space on the server
– Unlike our current video player, you will be able to embed/share videos with others
– An ad wouldn’t play ALL the time (I can set limits on ads)
– It could provide the site with a bit of additional revenue, which always helps to maintain the site, etc.
– The player would not be used all the time, as we will still post videos from sites such as YouTube
Like I said, I’d really like to know what you guys think about this. I’d rather not go through with this unless I have your support!
A gift from Jason
Posted on 14 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 0 comments
Our partner site Wiivolution Now has turned one! To commemorate the occasion Jason decided to offer his own readers – as well as ours – a free Wii game-related gift! Free, you say? “Free” sounds good to me, especially in this economy!
You can follow this link here and obtain your free gift. For helpful directions on how to use the gift, please click here. Basically, Jason has created a handful of Super Smash Bros. Brawl levels for your enjoyment, called called Battle Grounds Volume 1. You’ll be able to use the free gift as long as you have a copy of the game, an SD card, and a way to read the SD card.
We want to thank Wiivolution Now for their partnership with us, their generous gift, and we wish them many more anniversaries to come! has a Facebook page!
Posted on 15 years ago by Austin(@NE_Austin) in Site updates | 2 Comments
Hey guys, Austin here with a site update!
As many of you already know, NE’s community has been growing stronger and stronger over the past few months, with more people commenting on stories, joining the forum, and increasing the overall level of community we have out there. Unfortunately, we know there are many, many more of you that visit the site and perhaps don’t have the time to comment or don’t have much to say! Whatever the case may be, Valay and I are always striving to bring in more community members to the site and get existing members more involved in whatever way possible. Because of this, we’ve designed a Nintendo Everything Facebook page for you to access at your convenience.
We have a few goals with the Facebook page, but (aside from bringing the most up to date news to you in the most convenient way possible!) the biggest one is to allow us to communicate more directly with the visitors of the site and get feedback on how we’re doing, suggestions on what could improve the site, or even just to discuss the latest news with everyone!
Anyway, without rambling on too much, I’ll just let you all be the judges! Become a fan of NintendoEverything on Facebook with just one click by clicking “Become a Fan” in the following box!
A note about coverage today
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 3 Comments
You guys have probably noticed that, over the last few days, there’s been almost a drought in news. A number of people have been on vacation since Christmas and the usual round of news starts to drop off around December in general. Things have pretty much come to a halt today, as tonight is New Year’s Eve. I’ll post any Nintendo news I come across that I find significant, but please be aware that there might not be a whole lot of content to share. However, in the next day or so, things should pick up once again.
Other than that make sure you check out Jason’s New Super Mario Bros. Wii review and have a happy New Year!
Happy Holidays!
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 9 Comments
I decided to save this post for today, rather than post it on the site’s two year anniversary, which took place in October. With Christmas happening today and New Year’s coming up, I thought it’d be best to share this with you now instead.
Our most important goal with the site has been to provide you all with the most up-to-date, most significant Nintendo news, reviews, and features. I truly hope that we were able to that for you all this year. It wasn’t always easy, especially since I don’t always have time to spend on the site. As much as I’d like working on Nintendo Everything to be an every day job since I enjoy it so much, that just isn’t something that’s realistic at this point. But because it isn’t, sometimes it’s a struggle to balance site updates with responsibilities in real life/spending time with friends and family/other things. Even so, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
In just one year, we’ve managed to expand considerably. I love that we have more of a community aspect growing. I’d say that our forum is quite a bit larger than last year and it’s also great to see that some of you have grown accustomed to commenting on news stories. Hearing what you guys have to say is very important to me, whether it’s an opinion on a news post or a site suggestion.
I tend to ramble on with these types of posts more often than not, so I’ll just cut it off here. Know that while I don’t always drill into everyone’s brain how much we appreciate you guys, please know that we do. Really!
Hopefully 2010 will be an even better year for the site (although that will be difficult) and I look forward to providing you all with more Nintendo coverage as the years go on. Again, Happy Holidays and have a Happy New Year (I’m a little early with that, but oh well!).
Introducing NE’s “What do YOU think?” articles
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 6 Comments
A couple of weeks ago, I posted an article talking about my gaming epiphany, hoping to share my roots of gaming with the rest of you, and maybe even grab a few responses to see exactly where all of you guys started. Little did I know I’d get so many responses! Many of you posted long descriptions of the first big title you played, or how you started to really get into games. The feedback was so strong, in fact, that I came to Valay asking if there was any way to “official-ize” this question/response sort of article to garner even more responses. After a bit of discussion, we settled on a new set of weekly articles titled, “What do YOU think?” articles. In the interest of keeping things short, I’ll try and make this quick.
Essentially, these articles will have a topic, and ask you all to give your thoughts on it. For instance, last time the topic was “Gaming Epiphanies”, and this week the topic is “First Party Nintendo Franchises”. All you’ve gotta do is read the short article and head on down to the comments section to post your own personal response. Each week I’ll pick out some of the best responses from the week prior and post them up with next week’s article for everyone to read. Sound simple enough? I hope so. If you’ve got any questions, feel free to e-mail either myself or Valay through NE’s contact form, or simply leave a comment. With that out of the way, stay tuned for the first article going up in just a bit!
We can’t catch a break, can we?
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 5 Comments
Update #3 (12/9 – 3:00 PM EST) – According to our tech guy, things should be up and running for good. I’m a bit hesitant to say that, but we’ll be watching the situation on the site very closely. I sincerely apologize for the downtime the past few days.
Update #2 (12/9 – 12:30 PM EST) – Turns out everything isn’t okay, but you guys probably know that at this point. We’re still working on the issue and hopefully should be back soon. I’m going to try and see if I can add any additional posts in the meantime (see posts below).
Bumping this to the front page. We SHOULD be completely fine now. Turns out our host was having router issues.
You know how our most recent site maintenance was supposed to fix all future issues with the site? Well, our tech guy put it best: “The server froze to hell.” Because of this, we were down for a number of hours. I honestly don’t know how that happened and believe me when I say that I’m not happy that the site was down. We are back now, though, and I’ll have to pester our tech guy a little later on today to see if we can prevent this from occurring again.
Change in links, other tech updates
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 9 Comments
Small update for you guys regarding the status of Nintendo Everything. Our tech guy has been working over the past two days to change the way the site is presented. There are some modifications that you guys will be able to see upfront, such as how links are handled (old links will still work and redirect you to the correct page, by the way), but there are other benefits as well.
The site has experienced some technical difficulties over the past few days, although now I believe that we have corrected them. Because of our new caching system, the site should load faster and errors should be less of a problem. Of course, things are still being tested. However, you should notice an advancement from here on out. There are some behind-the-scenes changes as well (in relation to site speed/loading), and we’re continuing to work on a few things (in addition to the tests I mentioned), but just know that we are constantly trying to improve the experience you all have when you visit NE!
Happy Turkey Day!
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 2 Comments
It’s not often that I take up posts on the site for holiday updates. Usually I feel as though it’s more important to deliver the most important Nintendo news instead. But today is different! So, I wanted to take a moment to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving. Even if you don’t celebrate the holiday, you should try to make sure that gather around with your family and have a big meal at some point today.
About site updates, I’m not expecting there to be a huge amount of news items to share with you all. I have scheduled some posts to go live at specific times, though. I’ll be gone for most of the day, but Austin should be here at some point and he’ll cover any major Nintendo happenings.
Again, though – Happy Thanksgiving!
Reminder: Scribblenauts challenge
Posted on 15 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in Site updates | 0 comments
Just wanted to remind you all that there is one week left in our Scribblenauts challenge. Remember, when this is all over, one of winners will be chosen to receive a free WiiWare or VC title. You can check out the guidelines here and read up on the latest challenge here. I think that we may only be hosting another challenge or two, so make sure you participate!