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New series of game trailers set to introduce Square Enix RPG in the run up to launch

27 September 2013 – Nintendo announces that Bravely Default, the eagerly anticipated role-playing title from Square Enix for the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles will be the enhanced edition when it lands on European shores by the end of 2013.

This enhanced edition, called Bravely Default: For The Sequel in Japan, adds exciting improvements to the original game including graphical polish such as animated characters during conversations; an improved and more user-friendly user interface, and additional difficulty settings, with three new difficulty levels and the ability to adjust enemy encounter rates. Players can choose between the Japanese or the new English audio tracks, while any on-screen text can also be displayed in French, Italian, German or Spanish.

Nintendo will be releasing a series of Bravely Default trailers introducing the game to European players, the first of which has been revealed today and can be watched here: Bravely Default – Intro Trailer

Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney – Dual Destinies is the series’ first game to be shown in 3D. As such, Capcom had to experiment with polygon models – including Phoenix himself – until they felt a proper transition from the 2D games had been made.

Here’s one of the first prototypes created by the team:


And this is the final result:


Localization director Janet Hsu gave an explanation of the prototype’s history in a Capcom-Unity post:

It’s no secret how big of a Zelda fan Robin Williams is. He and his daughter, Zelda, were featured in a number of commercials a couple of years ago to promote Ocarina of Time 3D, Four Swords Anniversary Edition, and Skyward Sword.

So what’s Williams’ favorite Zelda game of all time? That’d be Ocarina of Time, which also happens to be the last Zelda he fully completed.

Writing in a Reddit IAMA session, Williams said:

“I think the last game I played was Ocarina of Time, and that was the last one I’ve had the chance to play all the way through.”

Also in the IAMA, Williams cleared up a common misconception about the name of his daughter. While this had been confirmed previously, Williams said his son originally came up with the idea for Zelda.

“It wasn’t actually me, it was my son Zachary who came up with the idea. But once Marsha and I heard it, we said it was great.”

You can pre-order the new Pokemon X/Y 3DS XL systems at any of the links below:

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Red – sold out online



With Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl launching next week, there’s no better time than now to familiarize yourself with the series. Amazon has the franchise’s latest entry, Etrian Odyssey IV, on sale for just $20. The game normally costs $40, so you’d be saving $20 (or 50%).

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