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More 3DS system details

Posted on 14 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News | 0 comments

– 3 different “Off” modes
– Given the option to “Sleep” or “Power Off” when you press the power button
– Power Off: 3DS will completely shut down
– Sleep: StreetPass and SpotPass will still be active
– Suspend: Used when you shut your 3DS or when you press the Home button
– Notification LED will rapidly flash red to indicate the system has low battery
– The light also indicates that the system has a serious error and needs to be powered off


This information below sounds real, but we’ll mark this as a rumor until we receive confirmation…

– Game starts off with your Mii having a dream
– Wake up in a cage
– Trapped in a tower
– Need to use Miis you have collected through StreetPass in a turn-based system
– Enemies become more powerful as you play
– Can buy a cat in armor to represent you if you haven’t collected any Miis
– The cat costs two coins
– Sword and Magic options (unclear if this is just for the cat or Miis as well)
– 16-32 stages/levels/battles
– 3 Miis can fight at once
– Ghost enemies appear in at least two levels
– Takes around 2-3 battles with each enemy to match their power
– Each attempt to rescue your captured Mii from the tower concludes with a re-cap of the enemies you have defeated
– Also shows remaining health of the foes you have started to battle, but haven’t beaten
– Game is built into the 3DS


A couple of days ago, we were finally able to get a look at the final lineup of Augmented Reality cards for the 3DS. Interestingly, it seemed as though Nintendo characters would be involved with the AR functionality. We now have details about how those cards work, as well as information about new AR games. Check out the details below.

– Use the “?” card to launch the program in AR Games
– Six options for six games
– One game will show Miis in the real world
– Move Miis around with a stick
– Change their pose with face buttons
– Static statues rather than animations
– Can move around in real space to change the angle of the look you have on the Miis
– Take photos of the Miis as well
– AR cards for Nintendo characters bring Mario, Link, Samus, Kirby, and Pikmin into the real world
– The characters are static statues like the Miis, also allow for pose changing and picture taking
– Can get all of the cards/characters to appear at once
– Sound effects relating to the games when the Nintendo characters appear
– AR games: Mii Viewer, Star Viewer, Shooting, Targets/Billiards game
– Billiards game wraps the “terrain”
– Obstacles will be in your way
– You’ll be positioned behind a ball
– Move around the ball to aim
– Press A to hit the ball
– Try to hit a target that is around/past the things in your way
– Two more AR Games
– Look like you must unlock AR games


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