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AGOURA HILLS, Calif.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–May 13, 2008–THQ Inc. (NASDAQ: THQI) today announced that Viva Pinata(R): Pocket Paradise(TM) is scheduled for release this fall for Nintendo DS(TM). The game is based on Microsoft Game Studios’ highly-rated original Viva Pinata game for Xbox 360(R) video game and entertainment system from Microsoft. Viva Pinata: Pocket Paradise features an array of content exclusive to Nintendo DS and an intuitive control scheme designed to take full advantage of the DS touch screen and stylus, making it a breeze to navigate through the garden.

“Nintendo DS is the perfect platform for the Viva Pinata franchise because players can have direct interaction with the environment and their pinatas using the stylus,” said Bob Aniello, senior vice president of worldwide marketing, THQ. “We are thrilled to introduce Microsoft’s critically-acclaimed Viva Pinata series to an entirely new segment of the gaming community.”

PSP – 380, 697
Wii – 187, 121
DS Lite – 169,911

PS3 – 37,676
PS2 – 34,312
Xbox 360 – 8,193

While Nintendo had a fairly impressive month, the PSP overtook the apparent invincible DS Lite. Moreover, the PSP managed to sell more than double the amount of Wii units moved in April.


Mario Kart Wii: 8.5 8.5
Battle of the Bands (WII): 6 6.75
We Ski (Wii): 6.25 7.25
Wii Fit: 8 8.25
Drone Tactics (DS) 7 7
Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles (DS) 6.5
Summon Night: Twin Age (DS) 7 6.75
Ninja Reflex (Wii): 5
Emergency Mayhem (Wii): 5.5
MLB 2K8: Fantasy All Stars (DS): 5.5



I can’t say for sure whether or not this “feature” was available last week, though some DS Downloads offer expiration dates. The following titles will be removed from the Nintendo Channel on May 18th:

– The Spiderwick Chronicles
– Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
– Eco-Creatures: Save the Forest
– My Word Coach
– Iron Man

For some strange reason, not all titles have expiration dates. Brain Age, Brain Age 2, and the Crosswords DS demo have no dates posted for their removal. Is Nintendo planning on keeping these downloads around for a long time?


– Brain Age
– The Spiderwick Chronicles
– Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
– Eco-Creatures: Save the Forest
– My Word Coach
– Iron Man


– Who’s Playing WiiFit: Vol. 1
– FFCC: My Life as a King trailer
– LostWinds Promo
– Defend Your Castle Trailer
– Pop
– TV Show King Trailer
– V.I.P. Casino: Blackjack Trailer,
– Crosswords DS Info Video
– Mushroom Men: Here Wii Come
– Imagine Figure Skater Trailer
– De Blob Trailer
– Boogie Intro
– Naruto Clash of Ninja Revolution gameplay
– Kung Fu Panda Trailer
– Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
– Digest Video

Interview with Shigeru Miyamoto
Nintendo Channel Info Video
What’s WiiWare?
Wii Fit Info Video
Mario Kart Wii Info Video
Mario Kart Wii TV Commercial – Wheel
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Time/Darkness Info Video
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Time/Darkness TV commercial 1
Super Smash Bros Brawl Intro 1
Professor Layton Intro Video
Endless Ocean Info Video
Brain Age 2 Info Video
Flash Focus Info Video
Super Mario Galaxy Info Video
Mario Party 8 Info Video


Confirmed info
– Pokémon Platinum is the official name
– Basically like Pokémon Yellow of the red/blue Pokémon games (not a new, original game)
– Revealed in the latest issue of Coro Coro Magazine

Rumored info
* Pokémon Platinum, set for September release. Giratina on the box
* Volkner no longer gym leader of Sunyshore City
* The Underground is now Wi-Fi enabled
* An island called Battle Island, works in the same manner as the Battle Frontier
* Several new Pokémon ‘forms’ exist in the game; Giratina’s Origin Form, Regigigas’ Sky Form, Shaymin’s Another Form
* Giratina & Regigigas’ new forms are said to be able to get the Levitate ability and Shaymin’s Another form may be at least part Ice Type



This guitar hero stylus pick can be yours by pre-ordering Guitar Hero on Tour at Circuit City.

The World Ends With You: 9
Mario Kart: Wii: 8
Wii Fit: 5
Mystery Dungeon: Shiren the Wanderer: 8
Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker: 7

Wii Fit may not be perfect, though I do not believe the game should be given that score. By no means does the game appear to be perfect, but it’s worthy of a better score.



Nintendo Power’s moon, rumblings on the web, and now even more tidbits seem to be pointing in the direction that Castlevania will see releases on the Nintendo DS and Wii. Apparently, Shinji Hirano who is the executive VP for Konami USA, was in San Paulo and went on the record by noting brand spanking new Castlevania games will be coming out for the DS and Wii. It is unconfirmed at this point in time whether or not Mr. Hirano did appear in San Paulo, but the same source claims the two new titles will be shown off next week at a U.S. Konami event.


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