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Wii U

More Than 50 Games Confirmed for Launch Window, Including Super Mario Bros., Call of Duty and Assassin’s Creed Titles

New Nintendo TVii Application to Change the Way Viewers Experience TV and Video Content Using Wii U GamePad Controller

REDMOND, Wash.–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Nintendo today revealed full details about how the new Wii U™ home console and its groundbreaking touch-screen Wii U GamePad controller can revolutionize not only video game play but also the way people find and watch TV and video content. The new HD system will offer entirely new ways for consumers to play games and enjoy their favorite programming when it launches in the Americas on Nov. 18. During the launch window, more than 50 games will be available for Wii U, which will be offered in two different colors and configurations. The Basic Set will be offered in white at a suggested retail price of $299.99, while the Deluxe Set, which includes higher storage capacity, additional accessories and the new Nintendo Land™ video game, will be offered in black at a suggested retail price of $349.99.

At a special Wii U preview event in New York, Nintendo also unveiled Nintendo TVii, an application that will let Wii U owners in the United States and Canada find, watch and engage with their favorite video entertainment in fun new ways. Using the GamePad controller, Nintendo TVii lets viewers seamlessly explore available video content from a variety of sources – including live TV, their TiVo DVR and video-on-demand services such as Netflix – all in one easy-to-use interface.

Wii U sizzle reel

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii U | 0 comments

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