SEGA says Sonic is “the right fit” on Wii U, still thinking about the controller
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii, Wii U | 0 comments
One day, we’ll see Sonic on Wii U. It’s inevitable. The franchise did experience a fair amount of success on the Wii, and Sonic started to return to form with Sonic Colors.
Team Sonic boss Takashi Iizuka told Eurogamer that the series “is the right fit because it is that kind of family experience game.” However, SEGA is still thinking about how to “apply using the controller to Sonic”.
Iizuka said:
“The Wii was an extremely successful platform. It was totally global. It went into the families that maybe would not have picked up a home console before. It created that living room experience with families, and it had great success. Now, adding the controller, and in a sense upgrading the Wii, it has got potential to further that and increase its customer base. I feel Sonic is the right fit because it is that kind of family experience game. I do feel Wii U is applicable to Sonic. But how we will apply using the controller to Sonic is something we’re still thinking about at the moment.”
Media Create hardware sales (3/5 – 3/11)
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
3DS – 68,951
PS3 – 34,816
PSP – 16,176
Vita – 10,041
Wii – 8,322
PS2 – 1,363
Xbox 360 – 1,290
DSi LL – 850
DSi – 502
For comparison’s sake, here are the hardware numbers from last week:
3DS – 70,744
PS3 – 65,116
PSP – 15,715
Vita – 10,023
Wii – 8,111
PS2 – 1,377
Xbox 360 – 1,248
DSi LL – 810
DSi – 553
The Amazing Spider-Man Iguana trailer
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, Videos, Wii | 0 comments
Amazon lists June 19 launch for The Last Story
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Amazon has added in a June 19 release date for The Last Story on its website. At this time it’s unclear if the retailer’s information is tentative or official.
XSEED did confirm a summer launch for The Last Story, and most games do launch on Tuesdays… so Amazon’s date could be correct… or not. We’ll just have to wait and see.
XSEED will be sharing more information about The Last Story sometime this month.
Thanks to Jake for the tip!
Miyamoto denied the inclusion of Nintendo characters in Galaxy 2, chances of Donkey Kong as main villain in a new Mario game
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Wii | 0 comments
Here’s a bit of Super Mario Galaxy 2 development trivia for you: the game could have featured Nintendo characters.
According to director Koichi Hayashida, there were proposals to include characters from the Big N’s other franchises – like Donkey Kong or Pikmin – but Shigeru Miyamoto was very unsupportive of the idea. Miyamoto felt that there needed “to be a functional reason to include characters of a certain type in a game.”
Hayashida said:
“One of the early proposals that we discussed for Super Mario Galaxy 2 was the possibility of including characters from other [Nintendo] franchises. For example, you might have Donkey Kong or Pikmin show up. We presented this to Mr. Miyamoto, but he came down pretty hard, saying that there has to be a functional reason to include characters of a certain type in a game. He went to specify precisely why the Pikmin wouldn’t work. In the Pikmin games, you’ll notice that all the Pikmin are very thin — tall and narrow for their frame. Mario enemies tend to be on the short and squat side and there’s a functional reason for that. They’re easier to stomp on. They’re lower so you can get above them and broader so you can land on them. In that sense, Pikmin are just not well suited for the Mario universe.”
Hayashida also answered a question regarding the possibility of Donkey Kong becoming the main villain of a Mario game again.
His response:
“If we encountered a situation with a proper gameplay context, we would consider it. Let’s say if we were building a level and functionally it called for someone to throw barrels at you, then Donkey Kong would be appropriate. But now that I think about it, maybe we have a situation where, at the end of Super Mario 3D Land, Bowser throws fireballs at you from the end of the stage. And we didn’t use Donkey Kong there… so…”
SEGA explains why Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 isn’t being made for WiiWare
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 1 Comment
Sonic Team boss Takashi Iizuka has commented on why why Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 2 isn’t coming to WiiWare.
Unsurprisingly, the game would be much too big for the digital download service. Iizuka explained that Episode 2 will be incorporating cutscenes and some 3D visuals that simply can’t fit into WiiWare’s 40MB limit.
Iizuka said:
“Our intention was to release Episode 2 on Wii as well. But, there’s a limitation on the size of the game you can release on WiiWare. Because Sonic 4 Episode 2 has cutscenes, and the graphics aren’t 2D pre-rendered images – it’s all 3D – all those things together made the game too big to be released as a WiiWare title. So, unfortunately, this time we had to give up on releasing it on the Wii platform.”
The 40MB limitation has proven to be a big issue with developers. On the bright side, the situation should be much different for Wii U.
Updates to the Nintendo Channel (3/8/12)
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, News, Wii | 0 comments
Nintendo Week 3/8
Nicktoons MLB 3D Trailer
Zuma’s Revenge DSiWare Trailer
Retro City Rampage will cost $15
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 comments
Retro City Rampage will be one of the pricier games on WiiWare. Vblank’s Brian Provinciano revealed a $15 price point in an interview with PocketNext.
Even though Retro City Rampage will be slightly expensive for a downloadable title, Provinciano believes the game’s large amount of content warrants the price of admission.
Provinciano told PocketNext:
“There are so many devices out there, and you can reach a huge market; it’s unimagineable on other platforms. Unfortunately, with that comes the downside of a race to the bottom: the 0.99-cent app problem. The race to the bottom is a terrible, terrible thing. With Retro City Rampage, I felt very strongly that it was a fifteen-dollar game, and that’s what I’m charging; in fact, it’s bigger than Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars, and that launched at $40. And I’ve questioned, do I have to launch it at $15 because of the ‘race to the base?’ And I’ve tossed [and turned] about that, but no. It’s a fifteen-dollar game, at least.”
Retro City Rampage will be available for WiiWare, as well as Xbox Live Arcade, PlayStation Network, and PC in May.
Hayashida doesn’t see Mario becoming a yearly franchise, level editor talk, Mario 3D Land tidbits, more
Posted on 13 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Wii | 0 comments
Another day, another interview with Super Mario 3D Land director Koichi Hayashida.
Hayashida has opened up about Mario in general, such as his thoughts about the franchise seeing yearly releases like Call of Duty. He also discussed the possibility of a level editor for Mario games.
Regarding Super Mario 3D Land, Hayashida was asked about a sequel, DLC, how the Tanooki Suit made it into the game (and revealed how he was pulling for Cape Mario), and more.
As usual, Hayashida’s comments can be found after the break.