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PokePark 2 commercial

Posted on 12 years ago by (@NE_Brian) in Videos, Wii | 0 comments

We finally have the introduction for Zelda: Skyward Sword in direct-feed… although it’s in Japanese. It goes without saying that you should skip past this post if you don’t want any sort of spoilers!

IGN has posted a “Rewind Theater” feature that covers the combat trailer shared by Nintendo last week. The video apparently confirms a couple of elements.

First, there is a left-handed mode in the game. You’ll be asked at the start if you’re left-handed or right-handed. If you choose the lefty mode, obviously that means you’ll have the Wiimote in your left hand while the nunchuck will be held in your right hand.

IGN also claims that Link will have six hearts at his disposal when Skyward Sword kicks off. This has never been seen in a Zelda release. The decision behind this is most likely related to the fact that enemies are tougher and now dish out more damage than ever before.


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