European/Australian Wii Shop Channel update
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 Comments
Clay Fighter – 800 Wii points
Sonic Chaos – 500 Wii points
Thanks to Jos3 for the news tip.
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2 Taking Sides trailer
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 Comments
Iwata: Wii Music hasn’t reached full potential, Nintendo didn’t fail with the game
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 Comments
“I agree that Wii Music, as of now, has not achieved its true potential. On the other hand, I feel that “Wii Music” is a software that elicits largely two extremely different reaction from consumers. There are people who highly appreciate it and those who do not appreciate it at all. Usually for other software, if there is a fair amount of people who evaluate the software positively, the appreciation level of that software becomes slightly skewed toward a positive note, but on the other hand, if a number of people evaluate it poorly, the overall reaction to the software is bad. For “Wii Music,” the impression seems to completely depend on each individual player. It is unfortunate that “Wii Music” was not immediately appealing enough to some consumers, but it simply might have not been the right game for them.” – Satoru Iwata
“Currently, I think that the appeal of “Wii Music” has not yet been fully conveyed and accepted by those who could be interested. We do not like to think that we failed with Wii Music nor that we should abandon sales support. If we had approached “Brain Training” with that mentality, the software would have not achieved the current sales situation. The first week unit sales of the original “Brain Training” in Japan was just around 45,000. We should not have the attitude that a game does not have sales potential because the first week or first month sales were small.” – Satoru Iwata
Nintendo hasn’t exactly failed with Wii Music, but I don’t think the game has performed as well as the company may have initially hoped. Compared to Wii Sports and Wii Fit, Wii Music just doesn’t seem to be garnering as great a response from the public and critics.
Capcom sales data (as of 12/31/08)
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 Comments
– Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition – 1,500,000 (up from 1,400,000)
– Resident Evil 4 all-inclusive total now stands at 5,200,000.
– Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition is now tied with Lost Planet at 1.5 Million apiece, and is only 100K behind the GameCube version.
Net Earnings: 47,223 million yen (down 8.6% from one year ago, same period)
Operating Income: 2,610 million (down 52.7% from one year ago)
Ordinary Income: 2,107 million yen (down 67.7% from one year ago)
Net Income: 179 million yen (down 95.0% from one year ago)
M!Games review scores – German magazine
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 Comments
The latest M!Games review scores (March edition) are as follows:
Killzone 2 (PS3) – 88%
Street Fighter 4 (PS3/360) – 92%/91%
Skate 2 – (PS3/360) – 85%
NPC!: Pikmin (Wii) – 86%
Silent Hill Homecoming (PS3/360) – 70%
Race Pro (360) – 82%
F.E.A.R. 2 (360/PS3) – 80%
House of the Dead: Overkill (Wii) – 80%
Age of Empires Mythologies (DS) – 81%
Shellshock 2: (360/PS3) – 58%
Bomberman 2 (DS) – 64%
Eledees (DS) – 71%
Specific details about House of the Dead: Overkill: Bloody and fun, equally motivating
Deadly Creatures – Scorpion Motion Capture
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 Comments
EA blasts onto Wii with Nerf ‘N-Strike’ unleashing over-the-top action on the digital playground
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 Comments
NERF “N-Strike” Marks First 2-in-1 Video Game and Toy Bundle to Hit Retail
Guildford, UK – February 5, 2009 — Electronic Arts, Inc. (NASDAQ: ERTS) today announced the release in the UK of NERF “N-Strike”™ for the Wii™. The game, inspired by the globally popular franchise from Hasbro, Inc. (NYSE: HAS), features non-stop NERF-style pandemonium where players are faced with a series of challenging missions that put blasting strategies and skills to the ultimate test. NERF “N-Strike” also ships with a custom NERF SWITCH SHOT EX-3 blaster, the first ever 2-in-1 video game and toy peripheral bundle to hit the market.“EA and Hasbro are breaking new ground in the consumer space with the launch of NERF ‘N-Strike’,” said Chip Lange, General Manager and Vice President of EA Casual Entertainment. “NERF ‘N-Strike’ is the ultimate blend of each company’s leadership and expertise in their respective industries – video games and toys – and has allowed us to deliver the first ‘mom approved’ kid-friendly blaster game for the Wii bundled with an official NERF blaster ratcheting up the mayhem on both the digital and asphalt playground.”
DDI produce first ever 3D console game…
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 Comments
Stourbridge, England. Data Design Interactive – a successful video games publisher and games developer – today unveiled a land mark event, the first ‘REAL 3D’ console game, by using stereoscopic glasses on the Nintendo Wii. The first title to be released in 3D will be forthcoming game BATTLE RAGE: THE ROBOT WARS. So, get out your 3D glasses and visualize the future, watch the trailer which showcases the companies venture into 3D gaming.
The media has been salivating about how the future of entertaiment will be in 3D, and with 14 planned 3D film releases, this year 2009 is the year of 3D. DDI will lead the games industry with 3D support planned in all its future titles. While some companies are looking at expensive 3D technology requiring specialised and expensive TV’s and headsets. Data Design Interactive has continued with its accessable family friendly pricing, and found solutions through proven technology and software rather than hardware.