Mushroom Men: Spore Wars PAX 2008: Walkthrough (Cam) Part 2
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 Comments
Capcom making Dead Rising “accessible” on Wii
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 Comments
“We definitely wanted to make Dead Rising on the Wii more accessible. You know, some of the elements in the original one were really cool but more targeted for the hardcore audience. So, things like the mini-game side missions that were in the original Dead Rising are incorporated into the actual narrative of the story now. So, you know, a lot of the hardcore users wanted that extra something to go back to whereas now you can play through the whole game and experience a lot of those different stuff that might have been missed originally.” – Capcom PR rep
The same representative also mentioned that there will be a “satisfactory number of enemies on screen to fight off against” in Chop Till You Drop.
I understand the partial meaning behind these words, though I can’t ever imagine Grandma Muriel playing Dead Rising: Chop Till You Drop. Additionally, in some ways, these statements are a bit disheartening for hardcore Wii owners. Capcom is deliberately making Dead Rising on Wii more casual because of the majority audience that owns the system. Even though Dead Rising is a very hardcore game, Capcom still wants it to appeal to every type of Wii owner.
Take-Two on Nintendo relationship, discusses GTA on Wii
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 Comments
“[Take-Two has spent] an enormous amount of time and effort [building a relationship with Nintendo to make Chinatown Wars happen]. [GTA: Chinatown Wars has] significant value to add [to the DS] It’s not a one-way relationship in any way. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is not even the first step, but an important step, in continuing to develop that relationship…Without commenting on whether GTA is coming to the Wii or not, Nintendo and Take-Two work very well together; Nintendo and Rockstar work well together, and we are continuing to grow that relationship.”
This news is obviously very important for Nintendo. Nintendo needs to have the continued support of third-party publishers. Perhaps the company is beginning to change it’s “behavior” towards third-parties. After all, High Voltage Software has stated that the big N has been helping them with The Conduit and seems to be establishing a better relationship with third-parties – with some companies, at least.
Activision Blizzard still working on the release of Ghostbusters
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 Comments
“There are still decisions ahead but we’re retaining franchises that fit with our long-term strategy. The company is reviewing its options regarding titles that it will not be publishing.” – Activision Blizzard statement
NGamer review scores
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 Comments
LEGO Batman – 84%
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed – 76%
Wario Land: The Shake Dimension – 74%
Samba de Amigo – 60%
Madden NFL 09 All-Play – 78%
Fatal Frame IV: Mask of the Lunar Eclipse 90% (Import)
Strong Bad – 4/5
Frat Games: Pong Toss – 1/5
Wild West Guns – 3/5
Madden NFL 09 – 69%
Spore Creatures – 60%
Dragon Quest: Chapters of the Chosen – 81%
Ankh: The Curse of the Scarab King – 50%
Prey, the Stars – 72%
Football Directors DS – 70%
International Athletics – 48%
KORG DS-10 – 77%
Doki Diko Majo Shinpan Duo – 40% (Import)
Rhythm Tengoku Gold – 80% (Import)
Thanks to Biggity for the news tip.
Fun! Fun! Minigolf details (WiiWare)
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 Comments
– 1-4 Players.
– Fun! Fun! features Golf courses in America, Europe and Asia.
– There are 27 different holes to play.
– Game is releasing on WiiWare soon, official release date coming in the next few weeks.
– Planning to launch the game in Europe and the US
– Game runs at 60fps (NTSC) or 50fps (PAL).
– No 16:9 and 4:3 support.
Graphical specs include:
-HDR Lightning
-Image Based Lightning
-Soft Shadows
-Normal Mapping
-Environment Mapping
-Bump Mapping
XS Games announces Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk for Nintendo Wii
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 Comments
New Arcade Style Air Combat Game for Nintendo Wii Available on September 16
NEW YORK, NY – September 4, 2008 – Videogame publisher XS Games announced today a new arcade style air combat videogame, Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk, for the Nintendo Wii™. Developed by Kando Games, Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk is set in a futuristic universe. The player assumes the role of a brave and grizzled pilot, leader of the elite resistance military unit “Ghost Squadron”. At the player’s command is a group of brave but inexperienced fighter pilots that only the player can lead into battle. The objective: to save mankind from corruption and turmoil at the hands of the Union of World Nations. At stake, is the fate of the world – victory is the only option.
A single player game that uses both the Wii Remote and Nunchuk to control a player’s aircraft, Rebel Raiders: Operation Nighthawk features ground shaking weapons, non-stop combat and thrilling special effects. The game’s 34 unique missions can be navigated with 23 different fighter planes, allowing the player to fly at amazing speeds and create spectacular explosions. By commanding the Ghost Squadron, completing missions and defending the front line, the player earns points for a chance to fly top-secret planes with devastating weapons. Players have to demonstrate they have what it takes to become a true Rebel Raider.
Disaster dated for Japan
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 Comments
A few days ago, we learned that Disaster: Day of Crisis will be launching October 24th in Europe. Now, Japan also has an official release date as well. Day of Crisis is scheduled for a September 25th release.
In most situations, Japan, followed by America receives Nintendo-developed titles. Whether or not the same case will occur is up in the air, but as of now, there is no set release date for Disaster in America.
Japanese software sales (8/25 – 8/31)
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in DS, News, Wii | 0 Comments
1. NDS Rhythm Tengoku Gold (Nintendo) – 76,000 / 612,000
2. PS3 Afrika (SCEI) – 38,000 / NEW
3. PS2 J-League Winning Eleven 2008 Club Championship (Konami) – 38,000 / 117,000
4. PSP Fate/Tiger Colosseum Upper (Capcom) – 34,000 / NEW
5. WII Wii Fit (Nintendo) – 31,000 / 2,578,000
6. NDS Inazuma Eleven (Level 5) – 29,000 / 71,000
7. PS3 Battlefield: Bad Company (Electronic Arts Victor) – 26,000 / NEW
8. NDS Dragon Quest V (Square Enix) – 23,000 / 1,148,000
9. PSP Phantasy Star Portable (SEGA) – 23,000 / 618,000
10. WII Mario Kart Wii (Nintendo) – 23,000 / 1,734,000
The Conduit online co-op being considered, sequel to be started right away, more
Posted on 16 years ago by Brian(@NE_Brian) in News, Wii | 0 Comments
This information comes from the latest IGN Nintendo Voice chat. I don’t have enough time to complete the entire summary, but I thought you guys would be interested in hearing about The Conduit. In the podcast, the IGN Nintendo team were talking to a few of the developers from The Conduit.
– The Conduit is still at pre-alpha, working pretty heavily on multiplayer. About six months of development left to refine and polish. Single-player campaign has a lot done, you can play through the entire game right now. The core is done, working on details. Making sure everything looks and plays as good as it can.
– The Conduit has had full funding all the way through the project, thus High Voltage was not rushing to get a publisher. High Voltage is very close to announcing the publisher for The Conduit, should come in the next month.
– Eric Nofsinger says we should be very excited about their publisher, High Voltage weighed the decision heavily. It’s a “larger publisher.” Deal with the publisher included that, when the publisher is announced, High Voltage will still continue to provide the press with coverage concerning The Conduit, will push to start on the sequel right away. High Voltage was very choosey about the publisher for The Conduit.
– If High Voltage couldn’t do certain things right, they didn’t include them. Want everything to be high quality. For example, vehicles just couldn’t be done in the first game, will try to have it the second time around. High Voltage wants to make The Conduit as good an experience as the game can be.
– Pretty much everything is customizable in The Conduit. Movable UI interface should be up soon. Move grenade icons, weapon readouts to wherever you desire on the screen.
– High Voltage has upped the run speed, have been playing around with the analog stick from walk to run. Exploring the option of sprint. Land-locked on buttons, something on High Voltage’s to-do list.
– Since The Conduit, Eric Nofsinger has been getting a ton of fan email. Hand-written letters with envelope art, too.
– Have been working on LAN play with Nintendo. Haven’t gotten final approval yet, so nothing official. It is functioning in-house. High Voltage is excited about this as an option. High Voltage has had 12 player LAN play hooked up so far, will support 16 players on release.
– Online mode: Standard deathmatch, team deathmatch, CTF. Depending on how long some of these things take, but High Voltage is interested in adding more modes.
– So far, High Voltage has tested with about 13 people, hoping to test with 16 soon. Frame-rate held up really tightly during gameplay. No significant lag. Goal is to hit rock-solid 30 FPS, never dib. High Voltage is aware that there needs to be minimal lag for FPS titles.
– Even if you own a 360 or PS3, you should be excited about The Conduit about the controls. Obviously the team wants beautiful graphics and want to put out a core game for the Wii, but still want to deliver a different experience. It immediately feels like a new way to interact with a FPS. Closer to a PC experience, especially with customizable controls. Fixes the learning curve with dual analog setup.
– PAX build is 3-4 weeks old, AI has taken a step forward. People will be happy about the behaviors of the enemies.
– WiiSpeak and MotionPlus have NOT been confirmed. High Voltage is getting their development kits early in September. WiiSpeak seems like a more obvious fit, will try MotionPlus. If it’s a tack-on, High Voltage won’t use. It needs to add to the gameplay and make a better experience, but will make every effort to get it in there if it makes sense.
– High Voltage is even looking at things like the Wii balance board and determining if it makes sense. Joke about how sprint mode can be used by running on the balance board.
– WiiSpeak is pretty feasible for The Conduit. Again, High Voltage will have a better idea once the dev kits arrive. Seems like an obvious fit, especially with online.
– Art/tech over the past few months have been improved. A couple of more improvements are coming down the pipe. One of the big recent additions is depth of field (scope mode.) Put cursor over target will become focus, things in foreground/background will go out of focus. Dynamic lighting has been improved. Starting to look night and day.
– Splitscreen multiplayer mode probably not in this version (probably not enough time, other reasons), have been exploring some ideas of cooperative mode. High Voltage has been looking at other things that core gamers will appreciate.
– Developer blog for The Conduit launching on IGN soon.