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China is considering ending their ban on game consoles

Posted on January 28, 2013 by (@NE_Brian) in General Nintendo, News, Podcast Stories

After nearly thirteen years of not allowing companies to sell their game consoles in the country, China’s seven ministries that originally banned the sale of gaming devices (under the guise that they would harm the mental development of children) are reportedly considering ending the prohibition.

The news comes from the China Daily, which says that the country’s “Ministry of Culture” is holding discussions and would need to get all seven organizations to agree on the idea before it could be enacted into law. The most important thing about the news story, though, is that Chinese kids who perhaps had an N64 before the ban in 2000 would all of a sudden be rocketed up to the Wii U and have their minds completely blown, which is an experience of which we can all be jealous.

Bloomberg via Gamespot

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