Civilization 7 1.1.1 update announced, patch notes
The team behind Civilization 7 has announced a big version 1.1.1 update, which will be available on Nintendo Switch soon.
The update contains new features, adjustments, fixes, and more. Some of the highlights include Quick Move, UI improvements, restart button, and Mount Everest as a Natural Wonder.
Civilization 7 version 1.1.1 update patch notes
Feature Spotlight
Quick Move is here! This optional setting allows you to disable the movement animations for your Units, making gameplay faster. This is off by default, and can be toggled by selecting the option in game settings.
Map Generation
As we work to add some more flavor and variety to maps in Civ VII, we’ve added in a brand new start position option as the default, called Standard. This option is closer to what players will remember from Civilization VI – where continents have a bit more variety and are less predictable.
The existing start position method is now called Balanced, and can be selected again at any point in Advanced Options. Balanced will remain the default option in Multiplayer games. We have plenty more planned for map variety, generation, and new maps (including larger maps) so stay posted, and keep letting us know what you want to see!
Settlement and Commander Renaming
Your creativity has no bounds – and now the same applies to your Settlement and Commander Unit names! You can now choose to rename them by clicking the pen icon in the upper right hand corner of their menus. Whether you’re roleplaying a historical empire, naming cities after your best friends, or for the utilitarians among us – naming things functionally based on their status and benefits – we hope you enjoy the freedom to choose!
UI Improvements
We’re adding polish (no, not the Jadwiga kind – the UI kind)! With 1.1.1, we’ve made several UI changes as a part of an ongoing effort to improve the UI in-game. Here are a few highlights:
Improve Unit Flag and Health Bar Visibility
We’ve made even MORE health bar readability improvements – now visible in the Unit panel! We’ve also increased the weight on Settlement health bars to make them stand out more from the surrounding buildings.
Improved Plot Tooltips
We’ve improved the tooltip on plots to include how many Specialists are assigned, and are still possible to assign.
New “District Under Attack” notification
You’re now alerted when your District’s under attack with a notification – which we hope means less surprises when you go to check up on your Settlements.
New Trade Lens and Ability to Send Merchants from Lens
You can now see your available trade routes by triggering a new lens on/off via the Lens panel! You can also send Merchants directly to Cities from the panel in any Age, but remember, in those earlier Ages you still have to start the route when you get there.
Age Progress Now Shows Turns Remaining Until Crises
No more surprise Crises! New “pips” have been added to the Age Progress wheel in the HUD to show when Crisis will trigger/escalate.
Restart Button
Re-rollers rejoice! We’ve added a new restart button that can be used within the first few turns of a new game, to restart the map with your exact same game settings and civ/leader choices. Note that restart will not be available in certain situations – like when you’ve already undergone an Age transition or during a network multiplayer game.
These are just the highlights, so be sure to check out the full list of UI improvements in the update notes below. We’ve still got a lot more to come! Our upcoming updates and patches will continue to make UI a top priority, so we can improve the readability, accessibility, and general ease-of-use for all of Civ VII’s features.
New Natural Wonder: Mount Everest
Last, but certainly not least, Mount Everest has joined the list of Natural Wonders in Civ VII. Called Sagarmatha in Nepali and Chomolungma in Tibetan, the mountain has long been held as sacred by local populations. Mount Everest provides a range of bonuses to any player lucky enough to settle nearby – +2 Happiness, +2 Influence, and +2 Culture – and reveals all Mountain tiles on your continent when discovered.
New Features
- Modern Age Pacing and Balance
- We’ve made a number of changes to help the Modern Age last a bit longer so that players have more space to enjoy all the unique gameplay in that Age.
- Eliminating a player no longer adds Age Progress in Modern, and the amount of Age Progress added in Exploration has been halved so that Domination Victories are easier to achieve now.
- Modern Techs and Civic costs have been increased by roughly 25% overall, more heavily weighted on nodes deeper in the trees.
- We’ve made a number of changes around Railroad Tycoon gameplay:
- Factory Cost increased from 600 to 1400.
- Port Cost increased from 550 to 1200.
- Rail Station Cost increased from 650 to 1200.
- Coal Resource changed from 100% Production bonus towards Rail Stations to 10% Production bonus towards Rail Stations and Ports (the existing 100% bonus was not functioning as intended).
- Oil Resource now also gives a 10% Production bonus towards Factories.
- Your Military Advisor will now warn you if you don’t have enough Commanders to retain all of your Units when an Age is ending.
- Map Generation has been improved and players can now choose between two Start Position options (Standard and Balanced) in Advanced Setup.
Leaders & Civs
- Leaders
- Ashoka, World Conqueror:
- Devaraja Unique Ability combat bonus changed from “+10 against Fortified Districts during Celebrations” to “+5 against Fortified Districts during Celebrations.”
- Confucius:
- Playing as Confucius now correctly unlocks the Qing in the Modern Age.
- Lafayette:
- +1 Combat Strength per Tradition slotted is no longer doubled in Distant Lands.
- Changed “+2 Culture and Happiness per Age in Settlements, doubled in Distant Lands” to “+1 Culture and Happiness per Age in Settlements, doubled in Distant Lands.”
- Ashoka, World Conqueror:
- Civs
- Buganda:
- Buganda’s Nyanza Civic now applies to full-hex buildings, e.g. Aerodrome.
- [Crossroads of the World DLC*] Carthage:
- The bonus Combat Strength for Carthage’s Numidian Cavalry now only gains +1 per unique City resource slotted in the Capital.
- Hawai’i:
- Ahupua’a Tradition changed from “+4 Culture on Food Buildings” to “+4 Food on Culture Buildings.”
- Ho’okupu Tradition changed from “+2 Culture on Marine terrain” to “+1 Culture on Marine terrain.”
- He’e Nalu Civic Mastery changed from “+1 Culture on Marine terrain in Settlements following your Religion” to “+1 Happiness on Marine terrain in Towns following your Religion, doubled for Cities.”
- [Crossroads of the World DLC*] Great Britain:
- No Eternal Allies Tradition changed from “+5% Gold in Towns, but -5% Gold in the Capital for every Alliance” to “+10% Food and Gold in Towns, but -5% Gold in the Capital for every Alliance.”
- Majapahit:
- Subak Tradition changed from “+1 Culture and Production on Marine Terrain” to “+1 Culture and Production on Marine Terrain in Cities.”
- Gamelan Civic changed from “+4 Culture on Quarters” to “+2 Culture on Quarters.”
- Nusantara Civic changed from “Culture Buildings receive a +1 Culture adjacency with Coast” to “Culture Buildings receive a +1 Happiness adjacency with Coast.”
- Maya:
- Uwaybil K’uh Quarter Production gained changed from 15% to 5% of the Technology researched.
- K’uh Nah changed from +4 Science to +3 Science.
- The Mundo Perdido Wonder now unlocks earlier in the Civics tree from Calendar Round.
- Meiji Japan:
- The Goishhin Unique Ability now correctly applies the Science bonus when overbuilding.
- Kōkūtai Tradition now correctly applies to all Aircraft Units.
- Mississippian:
- The Mississippian Tradition, Shell-Tempered Pottery, now applies correctly outside of the Antiquity Age.
- Mongolia:
- Baghatur Tradition changed from “+5 Combat Strength for Cavalry Units” to “+3 Combat Strength for Cavalry Units.”
- Rome:
- Legion Unit changed from “+2 Combat Strength for every Tradition in the Government” to “+1 Combat Strength for every Tradition in the Government.”
- Latinitas Tradition changed from “+10% Food, Gold and Culture in Towns with a Specialization” to “+5% Food, Gold and Culture in Towns without a Growing Town Focus.”
- Russia:
- General Moroz Tradition changed from “+5 Combat Strength for Units in Tundra” to “+3 Combat Strength for Units in Tundra.”
- Songhai:
- The Hi-Koi Civic no longer grants a bonus to Units that are not on a Navigable River.
- Buganda:
- AI
- Improved AI scouting and Settlement behavior.
- AI Commanders will now correctly gain bonus XP based on difficulty:
- Scribe: -20%
- Governor: 0%
- Viceroy: 40%
- Sovereign: 60%
- Immortal: 80%
- Deity: 100%
- AI now makes better Commander promotion choices, prioritizing bonuses like increased Combat Strength.
- Economy
- Towns with a Trade Outpost Focus now grant the +5 Trade range to all of your other Settlements and not just from themselves.
- Developer Note
- This change makes it easier to build roads to connect your Towns to your Cities with Merchants if you have a few Trade Outposts.
- Sawmills now properly grant Production to Camps.
- Grocers no longer grant Food bonuses on Mines and Woodcutters
- Addressed a reported issue where Ironworks was not granting Production bonuses on Mines and Woodcutters. Added a +1 Production bonus on Mountains.
- Repairs can no longer be purchased without having enough Gold.
- Players now correctly receive discounted prices when purchasing Buildings that have been discounted.
- Purchases can no longer be made in a Town with Unrest.
- Resolved an issue where the Fish Resource was decreasing the amount of Food needed for a Settlement’s next Growth Event to negative.
- The Production queue properly updates when multiple Wonders are in the queue and another civilization completes a Wonder first.
- Walls granted by the Byrsa Wonder are now properly granted on all eligible tiles.
- Towns with a Trade Outpost Focus now grant the +5 Trade range to all of your other Settlements and not just from themselves.
- Diplomacy
- The Sabotage Space Program Espionage Action now completes as intended.
- Crises
- Revolutions Crisis now applies the correct amount of Unhappiness after players choose a new revolutionary Government.
- Military
- Scorched Earth Policy changed from “+5 Combat Strength for all Units when attacking” to “+3 Combat Strength for all Units when attacking.”
- Purabhettarah Units now correctly gain +5 Combat Strength vs. Fortified Districts.
- Scout Units no longer stack the +1 Sight Range bonus after unpacking from a Commander with the Initiative promotion.
- Natural Wonders
- Torres del Paine changed from “Units that move adjacent to Torres Del Paine ignore Rough Terrain” to “+1 Food and Production on Tundra terrain in this Settlement.”
- Increased the spawn rate of the Valley of Flowers.
- Independent Powers
- Naval Units can no longer Disperse Independent Villages while a Unit is defending the Village.
- Emporium and Monastery Unique Improvements now stack Yields correctly when multiple are built in the same City.
- Civilopedia
- Added and updated several entries.
- Addressed Issues:
- Resolved a reported issue that could occur when exiting to the main menu too quickly while creating a new game.
- Notifications
- Added new “District Under Attack” notification.
- Players are now correctly notified when a Packed Commander was attacked.
- Notifications now properly play their animations at the start of a new turn.
- Increased the speed at which notifications appear during gameplay.
- Added additional Watch-out / Advisor notifications to help with making Treasure Fleets. New Watch-outs will appear for when you’re missing shipbuilding tech or a Fishing Quay.
- Text Changes
- Resolved various reported text and formatting issues.
- Several instances of missing text have been addressed.
- Alignment & Spacing
- Improved the alignment and ordering of tutorial pop-ups.
- Improved the alignment for the Resume and Restart buttons in the Pause menu.
- Commander Level text is now centered when reaching a double-digit Promotion level during gameplay.
- Improved the spacing between the Unit icon and flag and the number representing a Commander’s level.
- The Quit button in the main menu no longer overlaps the images in the carousel.
- Tooltips
- Added Specialist info to plot tooltips.
- Added Neutral Relationship icon and improved Relationship tooltip readability.
- Resource type is now displayed with both icons and tooltips, both in map and in the Resource screen.
- Controller-Specific
- Espionage report pop-up now properly appears when attempting to open it via controller during gameplay.
- Controllers now respond correctly after opening the Progress Menu in the ‘Choose Civilization’ Menu.
- Trade lens will now change back to ‘None’ when the user closes the Trade lens during gameplay when using a controller.
- Controller no longer loses focus on the City-State Bonus menu while a Unit is selected.
- Players using a controller can now properly select Government choices when opening the “Choose a Government” screen via the Turn Advancer, even if a Unit is selected.
- General
- Settlements and Commander names can now be customized.
- Added a Trade Lens that displays Trade Route information without requiring a Merchant Unit to be selected.
- Now able to send Merchants to Settlements directly from the Trade Route panel.
- The Unit Action tray is expanded by default to show all available Unit Actions.
- Improved visibility on Unit and District health bars, and on Unit flags.
- Added Crisis indicators to Age Progress UI to indicate activation/increase points.
- Hide “turns until growth” UI when a Town has a focus (and thus will not be growing).
- Pause menu is now expanded and reorganized to better show all options.
- Addressed a reported issue where the Production panel would not refresh properly when purchasing in a Settlement.
- Updated the description for the Change Capital Legacy card to more accurately reflect the functionality.
- The Government selection screen now appears correctly on ultrawide monitors.
- Unit portraits appear correctly after opening and closing the Diplomacy menu.
- Settlement Yields now correctly update in the Building Placement menu instead of displaying the previously selected Settlement’s Yields.
- Army Commander’s Progress Bar now updates properly in the Unit Panel when gaining experience.
- The Wondrous banner now appears properly.
- The Privacy Policy page now appears properly.
- Economic Advisor Portrait now appears correctly in the Antiquity Age.
- Learn More prompt now functions correctly when attempting to select it for unowned civs.
- Addressed a reported issue where Buildings, Wonders, and Improvements did not display in the Production menu, preventing the player from placing anything other than Units in their Settlements.
- The Town Unrest slider can no longer go negative.
- Several fixes for UI and HUD elements not appearing as intended.
- Added unique icons for various Great Works.
- The War Weariness score will no longer be falsely attributed to a different leader during a First Meet.
- Addressed a reported issue where the Unit panel would be missing when the player selects and closes the Unit panel multiple times.
- Addressed a reported issue where the X button could lose functionality when transitioning to the next Age.
- The Theology Civic now correctly appears in the Choose Civic list after the player founds a religion.
- The Input Icon now appears correctly during the Legacy Progress tutorial.
- Addressed a reported issue where the remaining turns displayed in the “Town is in Unrest” menu were not consistent with the actual number of turns remaining.
- The Civiolopedia entry for Prussia’s Unique Infrastructure “Staatseisenbahn” now displays correctly.
- Xerxes banner art has been updated.
- Applied more historically accurate icons to Han’s Shi Dafu and Ming’s Mandarin.
- The Commander Promotion menu now displays correctly in windowed mode.
- The following events can now be triggered:
- Legacy of the Ancients
- Sickness in the Air
- The Song of the Scholar
- Central Autocracy
- Training Day
- Children of the Sky: Changed the completion requirement text to “schoolhouse” instead of “school.”
- Lessons of the Land: Event now starts correctly if Catherine played as Greece in the Antiquity Age.
- Enduring Love: Reward tooltip now properly displays after hovering over the option button.
- The Army’s Soul: The first option of the event can now be completed when playing as Spain.
- The Sting of Iron: Reward tooltips now properly display when hovering over the option buttons.
- Besiege and Conquer: The first option reward tooltip now displays the correct reward information.
- A Mass for the Masses: Removed redundant Happiness icon in the first option.
- Opening Night: Chariots are now properly granted the Combat bonus after selecting the “Hold a staged battle” event option.
- The Moving Lake: Event will now only trigger if a Unit dies in a storm on a desert tile.
- Neither Friend Nor Foe: Event will now correctly trigger when Relationship with another civ rises to Neutral.
- Military Report: Production bonus reward is now only granted to Howitzer Units instead of all Units.
- The Bane of Tanks: AT Guns are now properly granted the Combat Strength bonus reward for the second option.
- Nature of Nature: The event will now trigger correctly after building a Museum and an Opera House.
- A Shared World: Event now rewards the correct amount of Yield.
- I am Fond of Dogs / I am Fond of Pigs / I am Fond of Cows: Events can now no longer be triggered simultaneously.
- Will of Ares: Event rewards will be granted correctly.
- The Rains Come: Event rewards will be granted correctly.
- Discovery Event Yield cost text now updated to state percentage of costs.
- Corrected historical inaccuracies in the Hermitage entry of the Civilopedia.
- Clarified the text for Steps 1 and 2 of the Enlightenment Legacy Path.
- The Continue button now loads manual saves that are more recent than the last autosave.
- Improved crane animations on Ports and Quarries.
- Added more detail in Vegetated Tundra tiles.
- Addressed a reported issue when the player moved the camera with both a controller and keyboard at the same time.
- Fixes made to terrain seams on AMD GPUs.
- Screen mode should now properly update when players change from Windowed to Fullscreen while using Alt+Enter or the F11 key.
- Addressed a reported issue where players could join a multiplayer game mid-countdown when using a join code.
- Addressed a reported issue where game settings were sometimes not saved, and Options did not revert, when selecting “Cancel Changes.”
- Switch
- Improved the translations on several pieces of localized text.
Thanks to 2K for the patch notes. You can read about the last notable update here.